Chapter 4

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(Jessie pov)

I look at the boy that is with Larrisa and I in the sewers. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit and gloves. His navy hair falls into his eyes, and his electric blue eyes seem to cut into my soul. He is obviously about our age, it's not really fair to call him a boy. He is a teenager, like my sister and I. He's good-looking, I say to myself. Then internally, I slap myself. Wake up, Jessie! Rebels can't think of stuff like that.
Larrisa is silent, taking in his good looks as well. I can tell that she is having the same thoughts that I am.
The teenager speaks up. "I'm Ezra Bridger. Who are you?"
Silently, I pull back my tan hood, revealing my blonde hair and ocean green eyes. Larissa does that same.
Ezra gasps. "Are you-"
"-Twins? Yes. I'm Jessie." I tell him.
"I'm Larissa," my sister says.
Ezra nods. "Nice to meet you." He hesitates. "Do you have a place to stay, or do you want to come meet my friends? You obviously aren't fans of the Empire."
I look at Larissa, who glances back at me and nods. "Sure," I say. I gesture to the tunnels. "Lead the way, Bridger."

(Ezra pov)

I take Jessie and Larissa back to the Ghost via the sewer system. Kanan rushes out of the ramp and over to me.
"Ezra! Where have you been! We've all been worried. Wait-who's this?" He looks at Jessie and Larissa.
"I'm Jessie."
"And I'm Larissa."
I'm learning to tell them a part by very small differences. Jessie has short hair cut in a bob, and Larissa has shoulder-length hair. Larissa's eyes are more blue, and Jessie's are more green. Jessie has more of a tough-girl feel in her voice, and Larissa has more of a light, feathery voice, even though she still is tougher than nails.
"They saved Sabine and my lives. And they're Force-sensitive. Jessie, Larissa, this is Kanan Jarrus, my Master."
"Nice to meet you both. So, you're both Force-sensitive? How come an Inquisitor hasn't found you yet?" He asks.
"Oh, but the one on Lothal has. We just keep avoiding him," Larissa says.
"He isn't very bright. We just Force-shove him into something and then we get the heck out of there," Jessie agrees. Larissa yawns.
"We can talk about this later. It seems that you both could use some rest." Hera says from behind Kanan, standing on the ramp. She smiles. "Hi girls. I'm Hera. Sabine and I will show you to your rooms."
Sabine materializes behind her. "I'm Sabine. Thank you again, for saving Ezra and I. Larissa, you can come with me and stay in my room."
"Jessie, you're with me," Hera says and takes Jessie inside. Sabine's helmet turns to Larissa and she gestures inside. "Come on in."

Kanan turns to me once the girls have left. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"Did you get the crates?"
I shake my head. "We had to leave them behind."
"Carabast. Well, then you and I are going back to the market. Let's go." We head to the Phantom and fly away.

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