Chapter 11

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(Ezra pov)

Jessie continues. "Larissa and I were born on Korriban, the birthplace of the Sith. We lived there for years, until a rogue Sith killed our parents. I killed the Sith and took his lightsaber. We escaped to Lothal, and met a Jedi. He told us that we were Force-sensitive and was going to train us, but another Inquisitor killed him before he could.

"So Larissa and I became bounty hunters on Lothal a few years ago. We realized that being thieves just wasn't enough to keep us both alive. So we took on jobs for Vizago Cizatro, among others. But never the Empire! We were going to sell Vizago those blaster crates before we met you and Sabine. know the rest."

I stare at her, shocked. "I know how you feel. The Empire killed my parents when I was 7 years old. Nobody should have to go through that." I wrap an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry."
She lays her head on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. But every day, I'm reminded of it, when I use my lightsaber. It was the Sith's lightsaber. At least Larissa bought hers off the black market. It supposedly belonged to the great Jedi Mac Windu, but who knows? Almost all of the Jedi are dead."
"But I'm here. And Kanan's here. I bet that he'll agree to train you and Larissa. I'll ask him for you, if you want."
Jessie looks surprised. "Really?" I see the happiness in her eyes. I nod. "Of course!"
"Thank you," she says, beaming. We sit in silence for a minute. Then, I turn her towards me and allow my lips to meet hers.
The kiss is sweet, a lot sweeter than the one with Crystal. Jessie puts her arms around my neck. Crystal disappears from my thoughts completely and I feel like I'm about to explode with joy and happiness.

Then I feel it. A GIANT surge of Force-energy. MUCH larger than the one with Crystal. I feel Kanan's alarm penetrate the Force. Jessie feels it too, and we break apart.
"What was that?" She asks, terror in her eyes.
"Force-energy surge. It happens when Force-sensitives... I don't know, touch or something. Or feel something towards one another. I don't know! But Kanan-"
I stop as Kanan opens the door to the Med bay. "Uh oh," I say. Jessie just stares at him. I realize that my arm is still around Jessie's shoulder. I quickly remove it, but Kanan catches my gaze and crosses his arms. "Well? Do I even have to explain why I came in here?"
I sigh. "Carabast."

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