Chapter 18

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(Kanan pov)

I wake up, recognize my surroundings, and swear. Carabast. Here I am, in another cell. Only this time, I am more worried than ever. Not only was I captured, what if Ezra and the twins were as well?

I turn over to find a piece of paper on the floor. I reach over the side of the metal slab that I am lying on and read it.

You have 24 hours to make a choice:
I have your Padawan in custody. I have no conscious about killing him. Slowly and painfully.
This is your choice: You die, or he dies. Choose wisely.
-Lord Vader.

"No." I place my head in my hands and allow the paper to float to the cold floor again. I think of Ezra, and Hera, and my crew. Of everyone I care about, knowing that I may never see them again.

I rise from my metal bed in my cell and press a button on the wall. A built-in comlink.
"Hello, Kanan." The Inquisitor's voice comes through, sly and mocking. Mocking me.
"Inquisitor. I received Lord Vader's note."
"Have you made your choice?" The Inquisitor asks. I can picture him slyly smiling on the other end. I take a deep breath.
"The boy lives. I'll take his place."
"Excellent," the greedy voice replies. "I'll tell Lord Vader of your decision."
The com clicks off and I sigh and sit down on the ground. "Goodbye, Ezra Bridger. I hope that you manage to become a Jedi even without me. Goodbye, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper. I will miss you all." I chuckle at Chopper's name. I was fond of that little grumpy bucket of bolts.
Then I cross my legs and meditate. Most likely for the last time.

(Larissa pov)

The Inquisitor leads me to a dark and empty room. "Time for training," he says.
I nod.
The Inquisitor drops the cylinder-shaped lightsaber in his hand and pulls out a circular one. The long one bangs on the hard duracrete and the circular one activates two red blades. The blades spin.
I push a button on my own lightsaber and a purple blade glows to life. "Wow," I breathe. Then I return to focus and hold it in what I think is a defensive stance.
My Master swings at me, but I duck. I lunge at him, but one of the red blades parries my strike and the other strikes back. I leap out of the way.
And my training continues.


The Inquisitor stops me in the middle of an attack. "Come with me."
He leads me to a cell. "What-" I start.
"Wait, my apprentice. Everything will soon be clear," My Master says.
So I stay silent, and wait.

(Jessie pov)

Ezra's unconscious body lies on the ground, stained with blood. I sit curled in a ball, staring at the man covered in black armour, the man who hurt him. Who made him scream with pain.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The words echo over and over in my head.
The man tilts his black-masked head towards me. "I am Lord Vader. And you are?"
I glare at him. "Rotta the Hutt," I say sarcastically.
"Rotta. Such an odd name. However, that is not your name. I met Rotta the Hutt once. During the Clone Wars. You are not nearly as green and small."
"What do you want with Ezra and I?"
"Only what I will get. New Inquisitors."
"Over my dead body. And Ezra would agree with me. So would my sister."
The door to the cell slides open. "Oh, I hardly think so," the Inquisitor says, smiling devilishly. He steps aside.
Larissa stares at me. "Jessie, how could you?"
I sense her anger and confusion. Her hurt and her power. I sense the dark side in her.
"Larissa, you joined them." My voice breaks. "You joined the Empire!"
"No." My sister's voice is cold. "You joined the rebels."
I am about to reply when the Inquisitor turns to Vader. "The Jedi has agreed to our...request. He has chosen for the boy to live."
Vader nods. "Bring him here. When the boy awakens, I will kill his Master. Then we will finally have him."
The Inquisitor bows. "As you wish, my Lord. And what of my apprentice's sister?" He looks at me. My eyes widen and I turn to Larissa. "Apprentice?"
She nods. "I am an Inquisitor."
I gape. "Larissa, this isn't you. I sense-" I stop when I hear Ezra groan. I rush over to him. I hear Larissa gasp. "Of course!"
I turn to look at her. "What?" My tone is full of bitterness.
"I remember. I remember. One of the rebels told me... You and that boy got in trouble with someone. You love him."
I turn back to Ezra. "Yes."
"Lord Vader? What of the other girl?" The Inquisitor asks.
Vader returns his attention to the his lackey. "Leave Larissa with me. When the Jedi comes, I will deal with them. All of them."
The Inquisitor nods and leaves. "As you wish, my Lord."
Vader leaves as well. My evil sister watches me as I sit down beside the still-unconscious Ezra. I turn back and face her.
"You betrayed me," I say quietly. "You betrayed our friends!" My voice raises.
"You helped them!" Larissa shouts. "You helped them kidnap me!"
"Kidnap? What-" I start, but stop when Ezra groans again.

Larissa and I turn to the navy-haired teenager as he gasps and begins to wake up once again.

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