Chapter 14

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(Ezra pov)

I had to get out of there. Kanan was driving me mad. He is so annoyed with me that he got angry at Sabine when she said that she was going to stay up until Larissa woke up. Apparently, Larissa had been unconscious since she went kind of crazy after I got cut by the Inquisitor's lightsaber. Sabine had to stun her with her blaster, or Larissa would have opened the door to the Phantom in space. And that would NOT have ended well.

So I left the Ghost after everyone was asleep and went to my tower. I typed in the code and admired my collection of stormtrooper helmets. I added the TIE Fighter one from the time Zeb and I stole a TIE from an Imperial shipyard, and flopped down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and sighed. Why was Kanan so against Jessie and I? I cared about her. I hadn't cared about anyone in that way since... Well, Crystal. And I didn't like to think about HER. She was a traitor, she let the Empire track her to us! In the end, she may have died for me, but that doesn't change the fact that she betrayed us. And after we saved her!

The door to my tower hisses open and Kanan stares at me. "Ezra!"
I open my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. "It's time for the op!" Kanan says loudly. I jump out of the bed. "Shoot!"

When we return to the Ghost, Kanan leads me to the Phantom. Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Jessie, and Larissa are sitting there, waiting. Chopper must be on the Ghost as backup.

Jessie spots me. "Where have you been?" She asks. I sit down beside her. "Did Kanan tell you the same thing as me?" I whisper. She nods subtly. "I have to leave the ship if we don't... You know."
I nod sadly. "I know. But we can just pretend?"
She is about to reply, when Kanan starts explaining the mission while Hera flies us to the op.
"Okay rebels. Here's the plan: We are breaking into Imperial HQ for some intel on their next move after us. Sabine and Zeb, you guys are going to be bait and lure the stormtroopers away. Hera will keep the Phantom ready for a quick getaway if needed. Ezra, Larissa, and Jessie: You're with me. We're going straight to Agent Kallus' office for that intel. Now, any questions?" Kanan asks.
We all stare at him, open-mouthed.
"You're kidding right?" I inquire.
"Are you crazy?!" Sabine cries.
"Does anyone ever say 'yes' to that question?" The Jedi asks.
Zeb shakes his head. "No way, mate. Unless you want us all to die. We can't break into Imperial HQ, they'll be on us in a second."
"That's why you and Sabine are going to draw away their fire and soldiers while the kids and I make for Kallus' office. Hera?" Kanan turns to our Captain.
"We need to do this, guys. That intel can really help us-and Fulcrum. Now, are you in?" She asks.
I am the first to nod. "I'm in."
"Me too," Jessie chimes in.
"Count me in," Larissa agrees.
"Sure. Why not?" Sabine grins and slides on her Mandolorian helmet.
Zeb sighs. "Carabast. Alright, I'm in."
"Then off we go," Hera smiles and pilots us to Capital City once again.

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