Chapter 5

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(Larissa pov)

Sabine (the Mandolorian) leads me to a cabin aboard the Ghost, I think is the name of the ship. She opens the door and I gasp.
The walls are covered in beautiful artwork and drawings. Cans of spray paint lie on the floor, meaning that they have been used rather recently.
"You like?" Sabine asks.
"Yeah, these are incredible!" I exclaim. I trace my finger over a symbol on the wall. "What's this one?"
Sabine smiles. "That's our symbol; our logo. Our rebel symbol." She traces the outline of the symbol with her gloved hand. "It's our symbol of hope."
"It's amazing," I say.
Sabine looks at me through her helmet. "Have you ever painted?"
I shake my head. Sabine picks up a can of blue paint and hands it to me. "Here. Try it."
I start to paint and Sabine pulls off her helmet, revealing gorgeous indigo and copper hair. "I wish that my hair looked like that," I say.
Sabine grins. "Do you want me to colour it?"
I nod, delighted. Sabine opens a drawer and rummages through it. "What colour?"
"Uh... Could you do red and lavender?" I ask.
"Sure. Here, sit down." I sit down on a chair and Sabine begins to dye my hair.

(Jessie pov)

Hera leads me to a standard cabin. "Here's our room. Feel free to make yourself at home," she offers.
"Thanks. You guys are really nice. My sister and I appreciate everything."
"It's our pleasure. Any enemy of the Empire is our friend." Hera smiles.
I look around the cabin. "It's so clean."
"I'm kind of a clean freak," she admits.
I laugh. "Same here, but Larissa makes it hard to keep it tidy back at our house."
Hera laughs. "Then Sabine will be the perfect roommate for her."
Just then, a giant 2-metre tall Lasat comes in. "Hera? Where's Kanan me the kid?"
"They were going back to the marketplace in Capital City, I think. Why?"
The Lasat shrugs. "Just wondering." He smirks then notices me.
"Who's this?"
"I'm Jessie."
"Jessie, this is Garazeb Orrelios, another one of our crew. Zeb, this is Jessie. Her and her twin sister Larissa will be staying with us for a while."
"Cool. Hey kid, I'm Zeb. Welcome to the crew," he grins.
"Thanks," I say, smiling back.
"Well, I'm guessing that you're pretty tired. Zeb, let's let Jessie get some sleep." Hera starts to leave. "The top bunk is yours."
"Thanks." I climb up top.
"Night kid," Zeb says and then shuts the door.
"Night!" I call through the door. Then I lay down and shut my eyes. I am asleep in seconds.

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