Chapter 15

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(Larissa pov)

After Kanan explains the mission, I notice that Jessie and Ezra are acting... strange. I need to talk to my sister after the op, I think.
Then I remember. Sabine said that something had happened with Ezra. Was Jessie a part of it?

No more time to wonder. Hera flies low over Capital City and opens the door to the ramp. "Go go go!" She shouts. Zeb leaps off and lands on a roof. Sabine somersaults and lands beside him. Kanan uses the Force to land gently beside the others. Ezra jumps off, rolling when he hits the ground. Jessie and I jump off as well.
"Okay, rebels. You know the plan," Kanan says. We are right outside of the Imperial Headquarters. Sabine and Zeb nod and jump down from the roof. They call out to the stormtroopers guarding the entrance. "Hey there! Miss us?" As the troopers start firing, Zeb pulls out his bowcaster and fires back. Sabine pulls out two twin blaster pistols, twirls them in her hands, then fires. But they miss on purpose so that the bucketheads will call in for back-up.
"Alright. Ezra, Jessie, Larissa, you're with me. Let's move!"
We sneak behind the stormtroopers firing at Zeb and Sabine and head toward Agent Kallus' office. Kanan has his blaster in hand and Ezra is using a wrist slingshot to disarm troopers in our direction, so I pull out my blaster and Jessie does the same.

We reach Kallus' office and hide in a dark alcove as he comes rushing out, rifle in hand, and runs off towards our diversion.Ezra picks the lock on his door and we all walk in. Ezra rushes over to the computer and looks for intel.

"That's strange," he murmurs.
"What?" Jessie asks, seeming terrified of the answer.
"This computer.... It's been wiped. There's no data on it or anything. Kallus must have pulled the plug on all the data before we got here. We're too late." Ezra turns to Kanan.
"Carabast. Alright, let's move! Maybe we can find another office with more data." We all turn towards the door, but stop as it slides shut.
"Oh no." I race over to the door and try to get it to slide open. Ezra tries to pick it, but it shocks him and he drops his tool and yelps quietly.
"Oh, but I'm afraid that you are not leaving anytime soon." A smooth, hate-filled voice says.

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