Chapter 13

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(Ezra pov)

Kanan made me get back into bed . Then he sighed.

"Ezra, you broke the Jedi code again. You kissed Jessie."

"Yes, but-" I start.

"No buts. No more girls! First Crystal, now this. Ezra, attachment leads to hate and anger, which lead to the dark side. And Ezra, if I have to, I will send Jessie and Larissa off this ship."

I glare at him. "No, you wouldn't. They're Force-sensitive too! What if the Empire and the Inquisitor got ahold of them?"

He sighs again. "Well, then, maybe Fulcrum could take them. Either way, NO MORE GIRLS. Can you promise me?"He lays a hand on my shoulder.

This time, it's my turn to sigh. I turn away."Yes."

"Good. Now, get some rest. We have an op tomorrow, and if you want to go, then you need to get some sleep. Goodnight," he says, patting my shoulder.

"Night," I reply, rolling over. After Kanan leaves, I wonder: Maybe he DOES know a little bit about what I'm going through. Maybe he had a crush of his own, once, and his Master forced him to leave her. Although, maybe it's Hera! I wouldn't put too much doubt to it.

I have no intention of keeping my promise, though. Sorry Kanan, but maybe the Jedi all died because they refused to have attachment. That's just my thoughts on what happened, because I know that Kanan knows WHY Order 66 was executed. And furthermore, I bet that he knows-or has a good guess-WHO executed it.

No matter what, Kanan's right about one thing. I need to get some sleep. As I drift off though, I wonder: Where's Larissa?

(Hera pov)

I am sitting in the bedroom that I share with Jessie, wondering why Kanan just flew out of the cockpit like that, when Jessie bursts in. "Hera! Can I talk to you?"

"Of course." I pat the bed beside me. The teenager sits down, obviously distressed.

"By any chance, does it have anything to do with the fact that Kanan looks like-"

"-He needs to set something on fire?" she asks. We both laugh. "Yes, I would be the reason why. Well, Ezra and I."

"What happened?" I ask gently.

She looks down at her feet, and and fiddles with one of the laces of her black combat boots. "Ezra and I kissed. And Kanan wasn't very happy about that. There was a Force-energy surge, Ezra called it-because we kissed or felt something. We don't really know. But I felt it, and so did Ezra-and Kanan. And now he's talking to Ezra." Jessie buries her head in her hands. "What if he gets in trouble because of me? Wait, why would he get in trouble for caring about someone? What is going on?!"

I lay a hand on the girl's shoulder. Tough as she seems, she really is just a teenage girl. "Kanan is just...very protective of Ezra. Jedi aren't supposed to fall in love or anything, he says. That must be why he reacted the way he did."

Jessie nods. "Okay. But how-"

The door slides open , revealing a very stressed-looking Kanan. "Jessie, I need to talk to you."

She nods. "Thank you Hera," she says, turning to me.

"You're welcome." I give her a sympathetic smile as she leaves. Once the door slides shut again, I sigh. Oh Kanan.

(Larissa pov)

I wake up in my bed. Sabine is pacing the room worriedly, looking stressed.

"Wha..." I start, sitting up. Then I remember: Ezra getting slashed by the Inquisitor's lightsaber, me trying to open the door to the Phantom while in space, me desperately trying to kill the Inquisitor, then everything fading to black as something hits my back.

"Larissa! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Sabine rushes over to me. "You were going mad, so I had to stun you with my blaster. I am so, so sorry! You've been out for almost a day."

"It's okay, Sabine. You're right: I WAS going mad. What time is it?" I ask, consoling the Mandolorian.

She checks a chrono on the wall. "It's almost midnight. I told Kanan and Hera that I wasn't going to bed until you woke up, despite the fact that we have an op tomorrow. That made them pretty angry." she grins. "Kanan was already in a pretty bad mood though. Something happened with Ezra."

What happened with Ezra? "Can I come?" I ask. "On the op?"

Sabine shrugs. "Probably. We'll ask the others in the morning. But first, let's get some sleep."

She climbs into the bed above me. "Aren't you going to take off your armour?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "We get up in a few hours anyway for the op. We have to get up really early. What's the point?" She places her helmet at the end of the bed. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I say, drifting off to sleep. But my dreams are filled with Ezra Bridger, and when I wake up to Hera shaking me, I realize why.

"Larissa! Sabine! Ezra's gone!"

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