Chapter 9

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(Larissa pov)

"Ezra!" Jessie and I scream as the lightsaber strikes his chest. He screams in pains and collapses. God, if he's dead....
"I will kill you!" I scream at the Inquisitor, who is smiling wickedly, watching Ezra bleed. "I will kill you!"
My purple lightsaber ignites and I throw it at the Inquisitor. He gasps in surprise and barely ducks out of the way. I use the Force to grab HIS lightsaber and throw it. He stops it mid-air with the Force and activated the blade. I pull my own weapon to me and place it back on my belt. I pull out my blaster and fire, multiple times and rapidly. The Inquisitor deflects all the bolts, and I'm about to fire more when Sabine lightly pushes Jessie into a seat and picks me up and thrusts me over her shoulder. "We're leaving!"
Hera rushes out and picks up Ezra.
"No!" I beat my fists on Sabine's back. "He has to die! Ezra might be-"
"Dying, so let's get him back to our Med bay! Hera, take off." Hera shuts the ramp/door, gently shoves Ezra into a chair, and takes off. Sabine lets me go, and I am about to beat my fists on the door and Force-pry it open, when everything goes black as a stun bolt hits me in the back.

(Jessie pov)

I watch in horror as Sabine shoots my sister in the back. Larissa gasps and falls to the ground. I am just about to scream. What kind of people had I come with?
"Nobody worry, I just stunned her. She was going to try and open the door while in space, and that would have killed us all," Sabine says. She glances at me, sitting in a chair, gripping my injured arm in pain, and pulls off her helmet. Her eyes are worried. "I'm really sorry that I had to do that."

"It.... It's fine, I think." I kneel next to Ezra, ignoring my screaming arm. I turn to Hera. "Is he alive?"
The Twi'lek checks for a pulse. She sighs in relief. "Yes."


(Read below-very important! and duh, it's still Jessie's pov)

I, Jessie Lovt, (told ya! Duh! XD) 14-year-old rebel, Force-sensitive, and bounty hunter, think I may have just lost my mind.

I am sitting in a chair next to Ezra's cot in the Ghost's med bay. Larissa is still out cold, like Ezra, so Sabine placed her in her bunk so that she would be more comfortable. Hera put stitches in my arm, and offered to wrap a non-bloody cloth around it, but I refused. Ezra had basically saved my life, not to mention my sister's life as well. And now he was suffering for it.
And why, I ask myself, why did you refuse a clean cloth, just because it was Ezra's sleeve? Why are you sitting here, hoping and praying to the Nightsisters of Dathomir, (sorry if that seems a little off. Anybody else read The Last Jedi and Coruscant Nights series? Den Dhur said something like the "Nightsisters Of Dathomir, I pray to them," and I was too lazy to actually check what he actually said. So, sorry if that's a bit off! I promise to try and change it later. And now I am going to stop talking/typing and let you all read. Bya!
-LothalRebelUltraFan) , that Ezra Bridger is alive? I tried to tell myself that it's just because he saved my sister and my lives, but that's not it.

I like him. I've fallen in love with Ezra! There, I admitted it! I would NEVER actually say it aloud though. It wouldn't even mean anything. I can't fall in love with him, I'm a rebel and a bounty hunter. Gotta keep my focus. Still, I wonder if he feels the same way?

Ezra groans. His eyes flutter open, revealing an electric blue gaze. He turns his head and looks at me. "Jessie?" He asks, his blue gaze trying to break down my mental barriers. I fight against all feeling, but don't win. My eyes blur and become glassy. "Ezra!"
He sits up gingerly. "Why are you crying?" He asks. "I'm fine."
I wipe away a tear with the back of my hand. "I...uh...."

Cliffie!! Will Jessie tell him that she likes him or not? If so, does Ezra like her back?

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