Chapter 16

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(Ezra pov)

We all turn around. The Inquisitor climbs out from under Kallus' desk.
Kanan activates his blue lightsaber. "Inquisitor."
The Inquisitor draws his own red blades. "Jedi."
They charge, their blades clashing and whirling as the two fight. I stand in front of Jessie and Larissa, blocking them. I reach for my comlink.
"Spectre 2, we need a pickup!" I shout, but I only get static in response. I try again. "Spectre 2, come in! Spectre 4! Spectre 5!"
Kanan groans as the Inquisitor kicks him in the stomach-hard. The enemy grins and thrusts out a hand. Kanan cries out as he is slammed into a side wall. He loses consciousness and falls to the ground. His lightsaber tumbles away from him.
"Kanan!" I cry.
The Inquisitor laughs cruelly and walks towards Kanan, ready to finish the job. He raises his lightsaber, but I lunge and block the blow with my own blue blade.
"Get away from him!" I cry.
"He will die, Padawan. I promise you that he will die. And I will make you watch as I run a lightsaber through him." The Inquisitor shoves me away and I hit the ground. He holds the red blade to my throat.
"But you have a choice, Padawan. You can die...or surrender to me. The choice is yours."
"Never!" I scream. "I would rather die then let you use me!"
"Then so be it." The Inquisitor raises the blade, but Jessie jumps in front of him with a red blade of her own. Red? "No! Get away from him!"
The Inquisitor and her begin to fight. Larissa comes up behind the Inquisitor and tries to stab him with her purple lightsaber, but he activates both blades of his lightsaber and blocks her blow.
I stand up and grab my lightsaber. I jump into the fight as well.
"Enough of this." The Inquisitor growls. He sends Larissa flying into a wall. Her lightsaber drops to the ground from her now-empty hand and she falls with it, passed out.
"Larissa!" Jessie cries out. She fights with anger now, twirling away from blows and striking her own.
"Good, good." He laughs. "Use your anger."
"Don't Jessie. Please!" I call to her. "Don't use the dark side!"
She snaps out of it then. But she stops her attacks momentarily, and the Inquisitor takes advantage of her pause to send her crashing into a wall as well.
"Ezra!" She cries out before hitting the ground.
"No!" I cry and rush over to her, deactivating my lightsaber in the process. She's still awake, but barely. I hold her hand in mine. "Jessie?"
Her green and blue eyes look at me tenderly, yet still full of terror and anger, which worries me. "Don't let him win. Don't let him win," she whispers as she falls asleep. I stand up and re-ignite my lightsaber blade.
"You are the only one left, Padawan," the Inquisitor says.
"I'll be the one to beat you, then," I reply, even though I know that I can't.
"I don't think so." A voice says from behind me. Agent Kallus shoots me in the back and I slam to the ground. My last conscious thought is: I let him win.

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