Chapter 21

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(Sabine pov)

I'm worried sick about my crew. Ever since our op went bad, we haven't been able to make a plan to rescue Kanan, Ezra, and the twins. I hope that they're alright. The Empire can do bad things in a couple of days with a prisoner.

Ezra is like my little brother, and Kanan is sort of like a dad. A bit. Mostly our leader. A very protective leader. And Larissa and Jessie: Finally, someone else willing to paint with me! Larissa and I are both very artistic, and even though I didn't talk to Jessie all that much, I still liked her.

I think we need to come up with a rescue plan NOW, before it's too late for our friends.

(Hera pov)

I'm sitting on the Ghost's ramp, looking up at the stars above. Then I hear a deep voice call my name. "Hera!"
I turn towards the call. I see 3 figures come out of the darkness. One tall, and two teenagers. The tall one wraps me in a hug.
"Kanan! Ezra! Jessie!" I cry. I hug Kanan back. Then I turn to the Ghost and yell. "Everyone! They're back!"
I release Kanan and hug a tired-looking Ezra. "Are you alright?" I ask them.
"Mostly. But...." Ezra trails off and looks worriedly at Jessie, who looks down at her feet.
"Larissa's gone," she whispers. I let go of Ezra and hug her. Tears stream down her face as she hugs me back. "She's gone."
Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper come rushing out now. Greetings and hugs are being tossed around. Zeb thumps Ezra on the back gently. "Good to see ya again, kid."
"You didn't miss having your cabin to yourself?" The boy asks, grinning.
"Well, now that ya mention it, I did miss that." Zeb grins and headlock a the kid.
Chopper goes over to Kanan and zaps him playfully. "Whoot whoot, whoot whoot!" He grumbles.
"Chopper!" Kanan growls. Then he shakes his head and smiles.
Sabine comes over to Jessie and I. "Hey, where's Larissa?"
The look on Jessie's tear-stained face says it all.
"Oh Jessie, I'm so sorry." Sabine joins our hug.
After a moment, Jessie breaks away. "Thanks, you guys. I think... I think I just need a minute alone. Can I go in the Ghost?"
I nod. "Sure love. Take as much time as you need."
The girl nods and goes up the ramp.
A few minutes later, Ezra follows her.

"Where's he going?" Kanan demands.
He starts after the teenager, but I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. I smile. "Let him go, love."
"But Hera-" he starts.
"Kanan, I've seen the way they look at each other. Just let him go."
He sighs. "Just this once. Then it's back to the Jedi Code."
"Sure thing, love. Sure." I smile again and lead Kanan back to the crew.

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