Chapter 17

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(Larissa pov)

I don't remember anything. I am Larissa Lovt, age 14. I have a twin sister named Jessie Lovt.
That is all I can remember about my life.

I wake up in a sparsely furnished room. I am lying on a sleep couch, wearing clothes that must be mine, but I don't remember wearing them before. In my hand is a long cylinder tube. A faint memory comes back to me: That tube igniting in my hand with the press of a button, a purple energy blade extending from it. It falling from my hand as I hit a wall, me losing consciousness as I fall to the ground.
The memory is gone as quickly as it comes.

I sit up. I start to panic as I can't remember coming here, I can't remember what I'm doing here!
Breathe, Larissa. You're okay. You aren't injured, and someone must have been taking care of you, otherwise you might be dead.
A door to my left slides open and a man walks in. I think that he's a Pau'uan...and I know him. I can't remember how, but I know him. But from where?
"You're awake. I am pleased," the man says, smiling. He is wearing armour and is holding something in his hand. Another long cylinder tube. What are those tubes?
"Where am I?" I ask, a little bit afraid.
"You are in Capital City, in Imperial Headquarters. On the planet of Lothal in the Outer Rim," the man explains.
I nod. "Okay. What am I doing here?"
The man's smile fades a little bit. "You were kidnapped by Insurgents. The rebels of Lothal. The Jedi leader of them had spirited you away, when we caught up to them. We have him in custody, as well as his Padawan."
"Jedi? Padawan? Kidnapped? If I was kidnapped, then who are you?" I ask, standing up. My senses are on full alert. My hand instinctively goes to my-holster? Why do I have one of those? I'm just a teenage girl!
"I am the Inquisitor. Your teacher," he says, disappointed that... I don't remember?
"My teacher? Then who am... Who am I?"
"You are my apprentice. You are also an Inquisitor."
Then a memory comes back to me. About the ancient race called the Sith, the enemies of the Jedi. But who are the Jedi?
"Am I a Sith?"
The Inquisitor smiles wide. "Good, you do remember! Now, come with me, apprentice."
I follow him through the door and out of the room. "Where's my sister? Is she here?"
The Inquisitor hesitates. "Yes, but.... She is a traitor to the Empire, she is one of the Insurgents. She helped kidnap you."
"What? But she...she wouldn't."
Would she?
"But we can make her join us," he says, leading me through a hallway. "We have a way."
I am still clutching the cylinder tube in my right hand. I look at it and vaguely remember: It's called a lightsaber. Sith have them. Dark-siders use them too. I am a Sith. A dark sider. An Inquisitor.
"Good," I nod. "Good."

(Jessie pov)

I wake up to find myself in a dark, cold cell. Everything comes rushing back to me-The op gone bad, Kanan getting slammed against the wall, Larissa unconscious on the ground of Agent Kallus' office, Ezra holding my hand as I went unconscious. Ezra.
I hear a groan beside me and sit up, turning around. Ezra is chained to a wall, around his ankles and wrists. His blue eyes are dull, and blood stains his shirt. He was shot, is my first thought at the sight of the blood.
"Ezra!" I cry and rush over to him. He looks up bleakly. His eyes widen with recognition. "Je-"
That's all he can say before my lips are on his. He closes his eyes and I close mine. I hold him tight, not caring about the blood that is surely staining my clothes right now.
After a moment, we break apart. I look into his dull eyes-that now have a spark of life in them-and start crying.
"Hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here," Ezra says soothingly. He manages to position his chains so that his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me against his chest. I sob uncontrollably as he smoothes my messy blonde hair. "It's okay, Jess. I've got you," he says.
We stay that way for a while, me cradled in his arms until I fall asleep against him, exhausted.

(Ezra pov)

Jessie is asleep, lying against me. I am still holding her in my chained arms. I lean my head on her shoulder. She's so comforting.
I don't know how long Jessie and I stayed like that. But a while later-it could have been minutes or hours-the door to the cell swishes open and in walks Darth Vader. Ooh, ahh. Ooh, ahh, his breathing goes in a creepy rhythmic pattern.
Not him again.
"Padawan Bridger," the Dark Lord says.
I stay silent, my arms still around Jessie.
"And this is the other girl. One of the Force-sensitives."
I gently lay Jessie beside me on the ground, as far away from Vader as I can place her. She stays asleep.
I stand up, pulling against my chains. "Don't you touch her."
Darth Vader emits a sound almost like a laugh, but more terrifying. "You think you can protect her? She is weak, like you. You are no match for the power of the dark side."
I glare at him. "You have no idea what I am capable of!"
The Dark Lord chuckles again. "I know perfectly well what you can do. And I know that your emotions often get the best of you. Don't they?"
"Leave me alone," I growl.
Darth Vader stares at me through his black mask. "Enough of this."

I am floating. My head spins and I feel like I am floating in space. I try to call out, but there are no words.
"You are very relaxed. Very calm," Vader says, out stretching a hand.
"No." I struggle against the carefree feeling trying to possess me.
"You are calm. You are relaxed. You will not fight me," Vader says soothingly.
The feeling increases, grabbing me, pulling me through the Force. "N-no."
"You will submit to the peace. To the black."
"No!" I resist, struggling against my chains and trying to break away. "No!"
"If you resist, there will be no peace. No calm. There will only be pain."
I am slammed against the wall again. Every nerve in my body screams with pain from Vader's use of the Force. I scream along with it. He holds his grip, keeping me screaming in pain.

Jessie jolts upright. "Ezra!" She cries out and tries to reach me, but Vader pushes her away with a light Force-push. "Ezra!" She calls my name again, pain and true terror in her voice. "What is he doing to you?"
"Je...Jessie. R...un!" I manage to say between screams.
Lord Vader releases me and I crash to the ground, still bound by my chains. I lie there, helpless, as the Dark Lord towers over me, gloved hand outstretched. The carefree feeling hits me in waves and my eyes begin to close.
Jessie screams my name. I slowly turn my head towards her as the feeling of peace overwhelms me. "," I whisper before everything goes black and blessed darkness takes me from the pain.

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