Saudi Arabia

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Today is the day me and my mom move to Saudi Arabia . It's always been just me and my mom that's why she's my best friend we've always been there for each other. I'm not a very social person just like my mom I really like keeping to myself and being in my own space.

"Mom where is my pink tote bag?" I asked screaming from upstairs. " It's in the black suitcase honey" she said back .I got ready and dressed, Today was my last day in my current high school . I'm currently in the 8th grade and yes I know it's kinda crazy who else changes schools in the middle of the year. I went down stairs hugged my mom and ate my breakfast after that we locked up the house and got in the car. " What time are you gonna pick me from school today mom?" I said putting on my seat belt. " Around 4pm honey ." She said then we left. After about 30 minutes I arrived at school, " bye mom, love You." I said " i love you more sweety."

As I walked into school a wave of realisation just hit me , Today is my last day here. Don't get me wrong I'm very excited to leave this place but I'm kinda going to miss it a little. Most of all I'm gonna miss my friends. I have two friends Sam and Kayla I love them so much . I wouldn't really consider them my best friends because like I said before my mom is my best friend.

"Heyy Y/n " my friends said running up to me. "Hii guys!" I said in excitement. "How are You?" I'm okay thanks how are you guys doing?" I said looking at both of them. " Devastated" Kayla said. "What, Why?" I said concerned and confused " we're really going to miss You?" Sam said while faking a sad face.
I smiled softly at them " I'm going to miss you  guys too." I said ." Let's stop being all sad and stuff and let's enjoy your last day together okay?" Kayla said laughing "yesss!" Me and Sam said unison.

It was now lunch and I went to the cafeteria where I saw my friends waiting for me I looked at them and started walking over to them. " Y/n!! Come sit down, so me and Kayla were talking about you moving away and we came up with 3 promises we should am make to make sure we still have a good  bond" Sam said excitedly. " okay...." I said unsure of what i was about to hear. " well first promise is that you must promise that you won't change and become on of those rich snobby kids" Sam said and i laughed " Don't worry about that i won't change. " i said and they both smiled . " next promise that you'll call us every Friday so we can catch up." Kayla said "No problemo" I said " And the last promise is that you'll find a cute boyfriend." They both said in unison and i smile while rolling my eyes " come on guys " i said "No you need to get a boyfriend" Sam and Kayla have been dying for me to get a boyfriend but honestly i didn't want one, i didn't need one. The bell rang and we all went our separate ways , we're all in different classes so the only time we see each other is at lunch and free periods.

It's now the end of the day, I hugged my friends goodbye and we cried alot. Then my mom picked me up and we went home. Once we got home i changed , took a bath and took a 30 minute nap . I woke up and started packing, we leave for the airport at 4am tomorrow it's currently 7:30pm. I started packing more stuff and i was finally done I finished packing around 10pm and i went to sleep . It was not 3am and my mom just woke me up so i could get ready  i got out of bed , went to the bathroom , did my skincare and took a bath. It was now 4am and we were leaving the house . We arrived at the airport and after 40 minutes it was time for us to leave. We got to the airplane I sat down and immediately slept this was going to be a long flight.

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