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It's now Friday, the week went by really fast and I'm half way through catching up my work. As i walked into school I saw Nawaf and Cristiano standing together , i decided to go to them " hi guys " i said to them both " hi Y/n " Nawaf said. Cristiano didn't say anything he just ignored me. Rude. " have you seen Sarah?" I asked Nawaf " uhm no i haven't sorry short stuff" I smiled at looked at him weirdly "short stuff?" I said smiling " yes it's your nickname from now on" I laughed a little. A very pretty brunette girl started walking towards us " Hii babe" she said to Cris " hi" Cris said . Does Cris have a girlfriend? Not that i care I'm just curious. She jumped on him and he caught her as she wrapped her legs around his waist they kissed a little , Cristiano quickly glanced at me. "Im guessing they're dating?" I asked Nawaf.  He looked down at me " uhm actually no short stuff, it's like a situationship." He said " I thought if you're in a situationship with someone , not everyone is supposed to know" I said to him " uhm yes but Ariana couldn't keep her damn mouth shut now the whole school knows" Nawaf said rolling his eyes and he looked irritated . I laughed at him and he also started laughing . We realised the 2 that were just kissing each other left. The bell rang it's time for register period which is an hour long.

We got into class and i saw Sarah i went  to go sit down next to her, i greeted her and she hugs me we talk for a while and i told her about this morning what happened and she started laughing but then she stopped looked kinda sad. " what's wrong?" I asked sincerely " i like cris and I've liked him for a while now please don't tell anyone" she said . Oh.
" I promise i won't tell anyone" I said smiling . Mr Mohammed started doing the register ... half way through calling the names Cristiano came in back " you're late Cris" he said, we all looked back and i noticed that he had a hickey on his neck but it wasn't very visible. Nawaf fixed his collar for him, I'm guessing he also saw the hickey .

It's now lunch and Sarah and I are going to sit by our own table today , the whole week we've been sitting with Nawaf and his group and today we just want to chill together . " do you like Nawaf?" She asked me which caught me off guard completely I almost choked on my fries. " no why would you think that?" I said looking at her " idk there's this chemistry between you guys " she said smiling like crazy and i laughed . I do not like him. " he is really cute though " i said and she smiled " but that doesnt mean i like him" " okay if you say so" the bell rang and now its time for English. The lesson started and Cris came to class late again. "Your late " The young lady said " sorry Ma'am" he said " go Sit and you have detention " Cris just nodded at everything she said and he came to sit next to me . I looked at him and he ignored me again. I slowly touched his neck rubbing the hickey with my finger. WHY DID I JUST DO THAT? He looked at me " yes it is a hickey" he said turning to me " I know " i said looking away " jealous?" He started smiling " no im not and whoever gave you this must be a vampire because this hickey is too purple" i said laughing and he started laughing . Wow he's laughing with me now.

I Think I Love You|Cris JrWhere stories live. Discover now