Are you gay?

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"Who.....Who is this girl you like? Can I see a picture?" I looked at him.

He froze.

"Umm... W...Why t...the sudden question?" He stuttered.

"Just wondering, I was just curious to see this girl that you talk about and blush every time you do" I explained.

"I umm... Can't show her to you..." He answered.

"Why?" I Looked at him.

"Because If I show her to you, I'm afraid you will never talk to me again, I don't want to lose my friendship with you" he explained.

Okay? What does my friendship with him has to do with this girl he likes? Weird...

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Because... This person... She's... Not somebody you would expect" he avoided eye contact with me.

"Kevin... Are you Gay?"

Next Day.
Eli's POV

"Can you wrap these up for me?" I smiled.

"Of course young man" the old lady said. I guess she was about 60 years old, but her wrapping skills were impeccable.

"Your girlfriend must be so lucky, this necklace is very beautiful." The lady smiled and gave me the box.

"Thank you" I smiled back. "I hope she likes it" I smiled to myself and paid the lady then went to my car.

I started my car and made my way to Kyung Mi's house.

I kept smiling to myself like an Idiot thinking of how she would react when I give her the necklace.

This is all so new to me, the non stop smiling, the  butterflies in my stomach. All these feeling, which I hadn't felt since Laura.

I loved Laura so much, she was the first girl that broke my heart when she did that to me.
She thought I had cheated on her with another girl, but it wasn't that way at all.

"Oppa" the black haired girl whined. "Oppa why Laura and not me? I'm so much prettier than her" she giggled.

"Oh Please" I scoffed.

"Oppa... Aren't I sexy? I mean i clearly have a better body than her" she smirked.

She was wearing a black shirt with a very visible cleavage, short skirts and way too much makeup.

"You look like a slut, now if you excuse I have to go look for my girlfriend" I started walking but I was pulled back by her and before I knew It I was being kissed my her.

It was disgusting, i hated the feeling of other lips other than my girlfriend's. That, and the fact that this girl has too much lipstick and it's awful.

I pulled her away and cleaned my lips. "What the hell?!" I shouted.
In the distance I saw Laura, her eyes wide open and watery. She was trying so hard to keep her tears but failed and ran off.
I tried to run after her but I already lost sight of her.

I have a bad feeling about this...

~ End~

I never cheated on her, I loved her too much, but it's all in the past now.

Now I have Kyung Mi, but she's harder than ever now, I've never had a girl like her, and I understand she's like that because of what I did.
I just wish I can get her to understand that I'm not that type of guy anymore.

Once I reached Kyung Mi's house I proceeded to call her, just because I know that her brother came back and I don't want any problems with him.

"Hello?" She said in a sleepy voice, she was obviously taking a nap or something.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I chuckled. "I'm sorry for waking you up, are you alone In the house?"

"Umm... Yeah, give me a sec" she hung up.
Minutes later she opened the door.

I was greeted with a sleepy Kyung Mi with messed up hair and last second outfit; which I thought was cute and kind of amusing.

"Hey princess..." I whispered and kissed her head softly.

"How many nicknames do you have for me?" She groaned.

"Thousands" I chuckled and went inside the house.

"Why did you...." She interrupted herself by yawning which made me laugh a bit.

"Why did you come here?" She asked.

"I wanted to see you, and I also wanted to give you this." I took out the small bag that I was holding behind me and gave it to her, which caused her to give me a confused look.

She then proceeded to open the small bag.
That.... That was the reaction I imagined.

Kyung Mi's POV

"I wanted to see you, I also wanted to give you this" he beamed as he took out a small bag from behind him and gave it to me.

"What's this?" I gave him a confused and curious look. I then opened the bag and looked at what was inside.

My eyes widened in surprise looking at the beautiful necklace that was inside.
It was a silver moon shaped necklace that carried a heart full of diamonds in the middle.

"E...Eli..." I stuttered. "What's this?" I looked at him. He had a smile going from ear to ear.

"Well,in the past, you gave me so many stuff, a few made by you and other ones which you saved money just to buy for me. I remembered those things and thought that If I want to be a decent boyfriend, I could at least do the same for my princess" he smiles softly.

"May I ask the meaning? I mean why a moon?" I curiously asked.

"Well... You see" he chuckled nervously. "Okay don't laugh, I know you don't do cheesiness but, It means that "I love you, to the moon and back" the heart is because you would always wear something with a heart or decorate your notebooks with heart, so yeah I know you like hearts" he chuckled.

I looked at him totally in awe with his words and the way he is acting right now, I have never seen him act like this. It made my heart beat faster. It also gave me the urge to kiss him and hug him.

Am I falling for Eli Kim!? 

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