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"C...can I stay at your house?" Kevin stuttered.

"What? My house? Why?" She asked.

"Because I need to get away from my mother, It's just for today, I just don't wanna see her. Please Kyung Mi" he begged.

"I..." She paused.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He pouted.

"Arasso" she chuckled "Let me least organize my house and see where do I put you yes?"

"Yay!! Yes yes, thank you thank you thank you!!!" Kevin beamed.

"Your welcome" Kyung Mi chuckled.
"I'll call you when I'm finished okay?"

"Oki doki, and again, thank you" He bowed.

"Your welcome... Again, Well I better get going, see you later Kevin" she smiled and waved as she walked away.

Kevin saw her leave, still smiling he went to the counter calling Luna.

"What can I do for you Oppa?" She asked

"Hey, can I get a chocolate cake? But for take out" he leaned on the counter and smiled at Luna.

"Of course! How many pieces?" She grabbed a knife and bend over to reach the chocolate cake.

"Mmm... 3 please" he answered.

Luna grabbed those 3 pieces and places them In a small baby blue box, and closed it with a white ribbon, then gave it to Kevin. "Here you go, forgive me for being nosy but... Why so many? You don't eat this much cake" she asked curiously.

"Well... I'm stay at your dearest friend Kyung Mi's house for tonight and the least I could do is give her this" he said getting his money from his back pocket.

"Why are you staying there? Yah! Don't do anything to my unnie!" Luna glared.

"Of course I won't do anything to her you dummy!.... At least not yet..." He mumbled the last part.

Luna hit his head "I heard that" she glared even more.

"I was kidding!" He laughed and rubbed his head.

"Yeah you better be kidding" she warned.

"Arasso arasso I know! Anyways I have to leave, talk to you tomorrow or whatever bye bye" Kevin smiled and waved.

"Bye oppa good luck FIGHTING!" She waved back.

Kevin left the building and drove off to his house to look for clothes. His mother tried talking to him but he just avoided her as well as Hyo-Rin. He was too mad at them, getting married with somebody you don't love is just not fair for him, but what bothered him the most is his mother. He couldn't believe that his mother would go that far just to help herself with the company, she obviously did not care for his son's happiness at all. He just wished his father was here, he certainly would not have let his mother do this to his son. Kevin does not know anything about his father, how he's doing, where he is, or even why he's not here. But he doesn't care he loves his father too much to be mad at him, he was the only one that understood Kevin. But sadly Kevin has to be the man of the family, making him go crazy with all the problems he is dealing with, but he has gotten used to it.

Kevin got everything he came for so he just had to wait until Kyung Mi calls him. He left the house and drove to the park. He walked and and walked until he decided to sit on the swings watching the kids nearby play. He smiled to himself looking at the kids; thats the other thing about Kevin, he ADORES kids and wants to have a family when he gets married. He imagined himself having a family with Kyung Mi (coughweirdocough) and blushed.

"Aren't you...Kevin?" A male voice spoke.

"Huh what?" Kevin snapped out of his thoughts.

"You are! Remember me?" The guy asked.

"Yes I am, you are...Please forgive me I forgot your name" Kevin scratched the back of his head.

"No worries, Im Jun" he chuckled then smiled.

"Ah! Yes yes, I remember you" Kevin smiled at him.

"How have you been?" Jun asked taking a seat on the swing beside Kevin.

"I've been well, what about you?" He looked at Jun.

"I've been good as well, I was surprised to see you here, are you waiting for somebody?" He asked

"Actually yes, I'm waiting for a call from my friend, I'm staying at her house for tonight, I had a problem at my house and I needed to get out of there" Kevin explained.

"Ah, I see I hope everything gets better then" Jun placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder and smiled.

"Thank You, what about you? I thought you were at California practicing your dance" Kevin said.

"I was, but I came to visit my sister for a while, I miss her a lot" Jun looked at the floor swinging softly on the swings.

"Oh! You have a sister?" Kevin looked at him.

"Yes, she's my noona, she's really pretty! I should introduce her to you, her name is Cho Kyung Mi" Jun smiled once again.

"What?!!! You're Kyung Mi's what?!! " he exclaimed.

As long as you love me (kevin and you)Where stories live. Discover now