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"Can you.... Get off me?" She asked still looking at him.

"Huh? Ah! Yes sorry" Kevin quickly got off her, he helped her up and bowed at her a few times. "I'm so sorry please forgive me"

"Anio it's okay no big deal. It was an accident" she smiled and cleaned the floor dust off her clothing. "Did you guys eat?"

"Ne noona Kevin cooked" Jun spoke with a big smile.

"Really? Wow It seems that Kevin can do many things" she chuckled.

"Being an idiot is one of them" Jun mumbled.

"What Jun?" Kyung Mi gave him a confused look.

"Anio nothing noona" he smiled again. "Hey noona I wanted to ask you If I could Invite a friend over tomorrow to eat here"

"May I know who?" She walked over to the kitchen and got a glass of water.

Ne, his name is Hoon, he helped out a lot in dance academy and he called me saying he was going to visit. I owe him a lot, so I wanted to at least invite him for dinner" Jun explained leaning over the counter.

"Well then of course" kyung Mi smiled. "But you have to help me clean the house and make a list for the food i have to buy tomorrow got it?"

"Ne noona" Jun smiled.

"Well... Umm" she yawned "I'm tired so... I will go to sleep good night guys" she went over to Jun and kisses his head then proceeded to walk upstairs to her room.
When she reached her room she changed into her her pajamas and jumped on her bed looking at the ceiling. She pictured the kiss on the cheek Eli had given her again and again and touched her cheek letting out a sigh. "I can't.... I cannot fall in love with him, I don't want to. What is his reason to come back like that?" She said to herself.
She sighed once again and hugged her pillow. "I won't fall in his game I won't fall in his game" she repeated to herself a few times and a few seconds later she fell asleep drifting off to dreamland.

The next day Kyung Mi woke up and quickly began to clean up her whole house with the help of Kevin, while Jun went to the supermarket to get the food. Once everything was clean all that was left was to wait for Jun, so that decided to sit on the sofa and wait for him.

"Hey Kev, did you fix things up with your mom?" Kyung Mi looked at him.

"No... She still has that idea of me getting married to Hyo-Rin...if inly she would understand that I don't love her, that I...I love somebody else" he looked at the ground.

"Don't worry, Im sure she will understand one day, and that she will accept that person that you love" she smiled at him and messed his hair up.
At that very second Jun had entered the house with all the groceries in his hand. Both Kevin and Kyung Mi stood up and helped Jun; then, Kyung Mi had started cooking, pasta, her favorite food as well as Jun's well... Their second favorite that is, lasagna is their most favorite food in the world.
After a few hours they had prepared the meal and as they were preparing the table they heard a knock on the door, which Jun went to answer.

"Hello Jun, long time no see" Hoon chuckled.

"Hyung! Come in! I'm so glad you came" he smiled brightly as he watched Hoon come in. "I'll introduce you to my sister come on." He walked to the table with him. "Noona, this is hoon my friend from Dance Academy"

"Oh! Hello nice to meet you Hoon" she smiled. "Jun has mentioned a lot of things about you, but it wasn't until yesterday that he mentioned your name" she chuckles.

Hoon chuckled as well. "Nice to meet to kyung Mi"

"And this is Kevin, he's a good friend too" Jun pointed at Kevin who was standing beside Kyung Mi.

"Hello Kevin nice to meet you" he shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well Hoon" he smiled. "Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry and it smells reaaally good"

"Im hungry too and it's true it smells awesome" Hoon said.

They all sat down at the table and Kyung Mi served the food to everybody.
As they ate, they talked about many thing, most of it was them talking about dancing. Apparently Kyung Mi and Kevin could dance too.

"Hoon, you should bring your sister one day, maybe she would like to spend some time with us" Jun spoke.

"Oh! Yes of course, I think Laura..." Hoon was interrupted by Kyung Mi choking on her drink. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I...I'm sorry but did you say Laura?" She looked straight at him.

"Yes! I think you would get along perfectly with her, she's your age and she pretty much has the same tastes as you" he smiled.

"Awesome!! Can she come tomorrow? We'll have lots of fun" Jun beamed.

Kyung Mi stayed quiet and faked a smile. *Laura... Eli's ex girlfriend... Oh god what am I going to do about this?!! Wait... I don't think she even knows who I am, I think It's my chance to tell her and make some questions" she thought to herself.

After the dinner they went to the living room for a while and talked a lot about many things, except for Kyung Mi who was still thinking about Laura, and Kevin who was looking at her knowing that something was not right. Hoon then left. And with that Kyung Mi left to her room leaving Kevin and Jun to clean the dishes.

She lays on her bed staring at the ceiling. "What happened between them? Eli looked like he was pretty in love with her... And she looked lime a nice, at least thats what my impression of her was when I did that project with her... Did she really do something to Eli?" All those thoughts gave Kyung Mi a headache so she changed into her pajamas and drifted off to dreamland.

As long as you love me (kevin and you)Where stories live. Discover now