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"I...I came because it was birthday a...and I wanted to congratulate you and give you something" He gulped.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" I looked at him.

"I umm... May have asked Luna about it..." Kevin lowered his face and pouted. "Which is why I have it as my username, so I could remember" he kept looking away or lowering his face but he would never have eye contact with me.

"Your lying" I stated as I crossed my arms.

He sighed. "Fine... I may have stalked you a little bit... Just a teeny little tiny bit" he smiled nervously.

I chuckled at him and stayed quiet for a few seconds looking at him. I looked at his hands and noticed he was bleeding, it must've been from the glass he broke, so I went to get the first aid kit and returned to where he was. "Give me your hand" I ordered.

He hesitated at first but did as he was told. I cleaned his blood off and put on a band-aid on his finger.

"T...thank you" he stuttered.

"I'm gonna let this one slide but don't think of doing this again got that?" I warned.

"Got it" he pouted "I want to...." Kevin was interrupted by my cell-phone ringing. I grabbed it and looked at looked at the screen.

"Sorry Kevin I have to take this" I said as I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Kyung Mi it's Luna, I'm done just came home so, you can come down now"

"Oh..umm okay I'll umm be there In a few minutes" I hung up and placed the phone on my pocket. "Sorry Kevin but I'm gonna go out"

"No worries, but please forgive me for alarming you, and for you" he gave me a small box wrapped up in pink paper with polka dot and a white ribbon around it. "I'm not sure if it's your taste but, I really hope you like it, and again, I'm sorry." He said and made his way to the door and left.

I stood there a few seconds looking at the little box but then snapped out of it, grabbed my purse and placed the box there and left my house to go to Luna's.

I knocked the door and waited for someone to open, but nobody did. "That's weird, she the call wasn't a long time ago..." I knocked once again but nobody answered. "Luna! Are you here?!" I answer, I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open the door and it did. "Why is the door open?" I asked myself. Everything was dark,the light were off, I walked to where i think was the living room and tried to find the light switch, i finally found it and turned on the lights....

"SURPRIIIIISE!!!" Shouted the people that jumped out from nowhere.

"W...what the..." I managed to say still surprised and confused.

"Happy birthday Kyung-Mi" Luna ran towards me pulling me into a hug.

"What's happening?" I asked still dumbfounded.

"It was all an act, my mom is not sick and Min-ah is here, we really wanted to surprise you and we did!" She gave me a bright smile.

"You deserve it..." Min ah said as she gave me a tight hug.

I couldn't help but let out a few tears. Aish I'm such a cry baby!!

"Why are you crying?" Luna asked.

"I...Im happy" I stuttered.

"AWWWWWWW" everybody sang.

"Tss not funny guys..." I paused for a few seconds. "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" I shouted.


~Kevin's Point of view~

I was walking back to my apartment still thinking about what happened. "Phew~ I'm so lucky, thank god she believed my lie. But how can I be an idiot! How could i not see that flower pot?! At least she didn't catch me before that. I gotta be more careful I can't risk getting caught...I..I just cant."

~end of Kevin's pov~

After the awesome party I helped with the cleaning. After that we stayed an hour talking and then went back home. Gosh I'm so exhausted! So I quickly went upstairs to my room and changed into my PJ's.

As I was taking my makeup off I noticed my window was open again.

"Huh? I swear I closed that window."

I walked there and closed the it,but before it was completely closed i noticed a piece of clothing material, it looked like it belonged to a black shirt... "What the hell is happening here?"...



Kevin: There should be more kevin in this story -.-

Kyung Mi: >.> It's about me, not you selfish.

-.- these guys

As long as you love me (kevin and you)Where stories live. Discover now