Mission 1: Eliminate Eli...

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"Uh...why are you surprised?" Jun raised his eyebrows.

"Oh sweet mother of llamas umm how should I put this.... Kyung Mi...is the friend I'm waiting for...so I umm already kind of know your sister he...he" he chuckled nervously scratching the back of his head.

"EH!? really? Wuah this is awesome! But...how did she agree to let you sleep at our house? Are you two a couple?!" He exclaimed and opened his eyes widely.

"No no no.... I wish" he mumbled the last part.

Jun laughed and placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "You like my noona?"

"Yes...I like her a lot, I even stalked her, thats how much I like her" Kevin looked at the ground.

"Weirdo..." Jun joked.

"Haha... Hey you gotta do what you gotta do!" He laughed.

"I'll tell you what, i'll help you with my sister" Jun looked at Kevin.

"Really?! Gomawo gomawo!!! But you see, theres just teeny tiny little problem tho" kevin looked back.

"What is it?" He asked.

"There is a guy also trying to get your sister's heart...his name is Eli" he explained.

"What?!" Jun jumped out of the swings. "Why is that idiot back?!" He shouted.

"Huh? Why? Did anything happen between them?" Kevin asked.

Jun sighed and sat back down "Yes, Eli is Kyung Mi's ex-boyfriend, well not exactly since they didn't even last a month. Long story short, Eli used her to get to his 'ex' to get the girl jealous. Eli knew my sister was in love with him so he used her" he explained.

"Bastard" Kevin's expression changed, he was now mad, he wanted to kill Eli, or at least hit him...until he's unconscious...

"Oooooh you said a bad word" he joked.

"Ohh please don't tell Kyung-Mi haha" he joked back.

"Too late I''m gonna tell her, and she's gonna scold you" Jun stuck his tongue out.

"I go chocolate cake, that girl ain't gonna do anything to me an plus, I'm an angel she won't believe you" he said.

"You may have cake but I got brotherly love, too. Plus how do you know she likes chocolate cake?" He laughed.

"I umm guessed" he looked away.

"Coughstalkercough" he faked coughed.

Kevin hit the back of his head.

"Ow. I'm going to tell noona." He pouted

"Okay okay I'm sorry. No hard feelings?" Kevin asked nicely

"Its cool haha... Uhh do you think we should get going now?" asked Jun

"Go where?" Kevin asked obliviously

"To go see my noona, duh. Have you already forgotten we were going there?" Jun asked

"Ohh arasso lets go. Wait I'm supposed to wait for her to call me."

"Who cares might as well surprise her now, right?" He smiled

"OH OH OH!!! Let's get clown masks and scare her!" He replied

"Shes not scared of clowns though. She scared of FROGS!" He said

"Frogs? Seriously? Uhh okay lets get those then." Kevin said

"Yeah I'm surprised you didn't know that about her." He joked

Kevin gave him this death stare like if it was actually going to hurt him. "Once i get to your house, I'll know where you sleep so don't mess with me" he warned.

"Oooh im so scared... And, weren't you an angel?" He asked.

"Umm.." Kevin got red.

"So yeah, c'mon lets go." Jun said

"Arasso." Kevin agreed

Once Kevin and Jun got the fake frogs they went directly to Kyung Mi's house, while arriving Kevin hid the fake frogs in his backpack and then he went in with Jun. Jun hugged his sister tightly, they were both asking each other many questions like: ¿how were you? ¿How are things going? And many other things. Finally they all settled in the house; Jun told Kevin to take his room as he will be sleeping with Kyung -Mi since her bed is big enough for both of them. Once Kevin and Jun took a shower before getting for bed they placed the fake frogs in the shower for Kyung Mi and they waited for the reactions.

"AAAAAH!!!" They finally heard her screams. They started laughing but stopped as they heard a glass fall on they floor. Both of them ran to the door.

"Noona are you okay?!" Jun exclaimed worriedly.

"Kyung Mi!" Kevin called as well.

"Both of you go away!" She screamed, her voiced was different, she was mad and was also crying.

She started picking up the pieces of the glass that fell, which was one of the candles she had placed in the bathroom earlier, as she was picking them up she cut herself with one of the pieces. "Ow!" She whined. She then grabbed the alcohol and a cotton ball and then placed it in her cut.
"Jerks, i hate them" she sniffled and wiped her tears away. After that Kyung Mi picked up the fake frog, still shaking, she threw the disgusting away. Kyung Mi has always been terrified at frogs it was her biggest fears. She then took a shower and went to her room drifting off to dreamland.

"Jun she got really mad, w..we should apologize" he stuttered giving Jun a worried look.

"She's probably asleep... So we'll do it tomorrow. Man, i really did not know her fear of frogs was so big" Jun sat down on the bed. "Anyways don't worry she's not the type of person that holds a grudge, so don't worry and get some rest yes?" He patted his shoulder and smiled exiting the room to go to Kyung Mi's room falling asleep as well.

"I hope she's not mad at me" Kevin said to himself scratching the back of his head then fixed his hair. "Who knew Jun... Out of all the people in this world was her brother, oh well, at least i know i can count on his help" he chuckled to himself.
"I hope you dream about me Kyung Mi" he smiled and then climbed to the bed falling asleep.

I didn't where i was or how I got here. The only thing I knew was that the place looked like wedding... I...I think I'm in a church. There was hardly any people there, there was only me and two other people,it was the bride and the groom.

I walked forward a few steps, I hesitated but I walked closer so I could see their faces. My eyes opened widely as I saw the grooms face... It was him The guy who always appears in my dreams and none other than Hyo-Rin...


As Kyung-Mi woke up from her dream she looked at Jun with this weird face.

"I wonder if Jun knows about this. If it's real if course" She asked herself

She laid back down to fall asleep and this time she was dreaming of walking through a meadow with somebody by her side. She was holding his hand. She looked at the man's hand curiously wondering who it was. When the man turned his face it was Eli. She realized in disgust. But she still held his hand. She wanted to let go but she couldn't. And so they reached the end of the meadow and walked to their car. She was hoping this wouldn't happen. Well at least not with Eli anyway.

When she enters the car she's still wondering why she hasn't awaken. But then she starts to wonder where they are going. As they drive a long way she notices Eli is driving into a cemetery. As they get out the car she is wondering why they are here.

"Eli. Why are we here?" She asked

"Have you forgotten what today was? It's the day..." he stopped as he noticed a tear coming down from her eyes.

She even noticed the tears. She was wondering why she was crying. Like as if she knew what Eli was about to say.

"Just follow me, okay?" He told her.

As she followed behind Eli she notices they are walking towards a tombstone. She wants to read the name of it but she can't. She finally gets full visual clearance on the tombstone.

"Omg" she screamed in her head. "It can't be? What happened to...." She thought as she started to cry. She then awakens again this time screaming. But no one was near. Kevin and Jun  are already down stairs. But they hear her screams. So then they rush up to her room and find her crying a river.

"Kyung?? Are you okay what's wrong?" Jun and Kevin asked simultaneously.

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