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Ashton's P.O.V. (Unedited)

We walk down the street to the nearest club, there's a few of them lined up along the street. One has a long line trailing out of it, One has a few people in line, the other has no one at all.

"Do you guys want to start at the lowkey one?" I ask

I get nods of agreement and we head over. As we walk up the bouncer asks for our ID's I pull mine out of my wallet and hand it to him. He stares at it for a second, looking up and down at me, and nods for me to go in. I wait by the door for the rest of the boys. They walk inside, and we head for the bar. I walk up to the bar, thinking about what I want.

"What can I get you?" the bartender ask.

"What ever will get me drunkest the quickest." I say

He turns around and starts grabbing bottles from the shelf, pouring them all into one cup, topping it off with soda.

"Here you go, its called an open or closed?" He says.

"Closed, here's 20$ keep what ever is left." I say as I hand him the money and walk away.

I see a table nearby and head towards it, I take a gulp of my drink, and another, and another. Letting the slight burn of alcohol pierce my throat. By the time the boys had gotten over to the table, I had finished my drink.

"Damn Ash, setting the pace for the night I guess." Michael jokes

"haha yeah, I guess I was thirsty ." I joke back

I start to feel lighter, more happy. I feel myself smiling, a huge grin on my face. I look over at the other three boys conversing. I don't even care to talk, I'm just happy to be here.

"Ash, you want to go to the busier club? Calum said that if we go to the back they can let us in there." Luke says to me

"Sure, lets go!" I say

The other boys down their drinks and we head out of the club, and around the back of the popular one, Calum pulls out his phone and text someone, moments later the back door swings open. We walk inside and up the back stair case. We get shown a table along this cat walk over looking the rest of the club downstairs. I see people dancing, drinking, laughing and kissing. This glorious display of life. We sit at the table, already stocked with a bottle of champagne.

"I got us this table up here, no one from the main floor can get up here, it's their VIP area, more private, no fans will be able to swarm us here, we can just relax and drink for the night, and when we are done, a driver will meet us downstairs and take us back to the hotel." Calum says

We all thank him, its hard for them in public sometimes, not being able to do regular things such as enjoy a club. I see the bar and walk over to it.

"Hello, what can I get you tonight sir?" The Bartender ask

"Hey, the last club we where at, they had something called an AMF, can I get that here?" I ask

"More of a college bar sorta drink, but yes I can make one, you planning on remembering tonight?" The bartender ask

"What's in it? And I may or may not want to remember tonight." I say

"It has about five shots in it, blue curacao, vodka, gin, tequila, and rum. If you've already had one tonight, and your not even slurring yet I'll take it as a good sign. Open or Closed tab?" The bartender says as they start making my drink

"I'll leave it open, if any of those boys over there want anything, just put it on my tab." I say as I point to our table.

I had her my card out of my wallet and take my drink. As I head back to the table I look down again at the crowd below, everyone here is so carefree, just dancing away. I take a gulp of my drink as I get closer to our table, just soaking in the night. I reach the table and sit down next to Luke. I take another gulp of my drink. This one is smoother and doesn't burn as bad. It taste better, I think I'm either drunker or this one is just higher quality. I set the drink down on the table, seeing that its half way gone now. I look up to see the boys chatting, about different things and what not. I want to dance down their so badly, not having a care in the world.

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