The party

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The warm California night breeze floated in through the open window of Emily and Maya's dorm room as they stood side by side in front of the mirror, getting ready for the biggest party of the semester. Excitement filled the air, mixing with the sweet smell of perfume and the soft thrum of music playing in the background.

"Do you think this dress is too much?" Emily asked, smoothing down the sleek black fabric of her little black dress. It hugged her curves in all the right places, ending just above her knees, with thin straps and a low neckline that gave her a sophisticated yet fun look. She paired it with simple black heels, keeping the accessories minimal but tasteful.

Maya, who was adjusting her own outfit—a short, sparkly silver dress—turned and gave Emily an approving once-over. "Girl, are you kidding? You look hot. Jake is going to lose his mind when he sees you."

Emily blushed at the mention of Jake, but she couldn't stop the smile that crept onto her face. Ever since the game, he had been on her mind non-stop. As they got ready, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. She picked it up and saw Jake's name flash across the screen.

**Jake:** "You getting ready? I bet you're looking incredible right now."

Emily grinned, biting her lip as she typed back.

**Emily:** "Just finished. You'll have to wait and see ;)"

A few seconds later, her phone buzzed again.

**Jake:** "I can't wait. See you soon, beautiful."

Emily's heart did a little flip at the word "beautiful." She couldn't believe how natural this felt—how easy it was to talk to him, to feel excited about seeing him again. She knew tonight would be fun, but a part of her was also nervous, knowing that Sophia would be at the party too. And after what had happened at the game, she expected there might be more drama. But she pushed that thought aside, determined not to let anyone ruin her night.

Maya gave Emily a nudge as she applied her lip gloss. "Jake's texting you, huh? What did he say?"

Emily smiled, trying to act casual. "Oh, just that he's excited for tonight."

Maya laughed. "Girl, he's excited for you. Just be prepared for some serious attention."


By the time they arrived at the frat house, the party was already in full swing. Music blared from the speakers, and the house was packed with students dancing, talking, and lounging on the various couches scattered throughout the living room. A faint scent of alcohol and something else lingered in the air, but Emily didn't mind. She was used to the party scene, even if she wasn't much of a drinker.

As soon as they walked in, heads turned. Emily could feel eyes on her, especially from the football players standing near the entrance, some of whom recognized her from the game. But it wasn't until she saw Jake that her nerves settled. He was standing with a group of his teammates, laughing at something Marcus said, but when he spotted her, his face lit up. He excused himself from the group and made a beeline toward her.

"Hey," he said, his eyes taking her in from head to toe. "You look amazing."

Emily felt her cheeks flush. "Thanks. You clean up pretty well yourself." Jake was dressed in a casual button-up shirt and dark jeans, the fabric fitting him just right, showing off his broad shoulders.

"Come on, let's get you a drink," he said, leading her to the kitchen. "Water or soda?"

"Water's fine," Emily said, feeling grateful that Jake remembered she didn't drink.

Maya, meanwhile, had already disappeared into the crowd, likely finding Marcus somewhere in the mix. Emily grabbed her water and stuck close to Jake, who introduced her to a few more of his teammates as the party buzzed around them. She felt comfortable with him, like she could just enjoy the night without any pressure. They laughed, talked, and danced together, and Emily couldn't help but notice the way Jake stayed close, his hand occasionally brushing hers as they moved around the party.

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