The sotrm before the calm

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Monday morning came far too quickly for Emily. The alarm clock buzzed insistently at 5 AM, and she groaned as she turned it off, sunlight barely peeking through the curtains of their dorm room. Next to her, Maya was already stirring, her hair a wild mess of curls.

"Time to rise and grind!" Maya chirped, throwing off her blanket and hopping out of bed. "Let's hit the gym before lectures."

"Ugh, do we have to?" Emily mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. But Maya was already in her workout gear, bouncing on her feet in anticipation.

"Come on, you'll feel great afterward!" Maya insisted, her enthusiasm infectious. Emily couldn't help but smile at her best friend's energy, finally dragging herself out of bed and slipping into her own gym clothes.

The two girls made their way to the campus gym, their feet pounding against the pavement as the cool morning air invigorated them. The gym was practically empty at this hour, just a few dedicated souls working on their fitness. They started with a warm-up, and Emily felt her body wake up, the endorphins lifting her mood as they chatted and laughed, their voices echoing in the almost-empty space.

But as they moved through their routines, Emily's thoughts drifted to Jake. She couldn't shake the smile that came to her face at the memory of their last conversation, but it was overshadowed by an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

After their workout, the girls showered and got ready for the day ahead. Emily threw on a comfy oversized sweater and jeans, hoping to keep her spirits up as they headed to their first lecture.

As they walked across campus, the sun was shining bright, and students buzzed around them, but the warmth of the day did little to lift Emily's spirits. She felt a growing sense of anxiety, the kind that set in just before something unpleasant was about to happen.

Just as they rounded a corner near the cafeteria, Emily's heart sank when she spotted Sophia leaning against a wall, arms crossed and a scowl etched on her face. Maya, sensing the tension, squeezed Emily's hand, but it was too late to avoid the encounter.

"Sophia," Maya greeted coolly, keeping her voice steady.

"What do you want, Sophia?" Emily asked, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Sophia pushed herself off the wall, stepping closer to Emily. "I just wanted to have a little chat," she said, her voice laced with an icy sweetness. "I think you need to stay away from Jake."

Emily felt her stomach drop. "Why would I do that?"

"Because he's mine," Sophia said, her voice hardening. "And I don't like sharing. You might think you're cute and all, but trust me, he'll get bored. Just back off, okay?"

Emily opened her mouth to respond, but no words came. Sophia's intense gaze bore into her, and she felt the weight of the threat hanging in the air. "I'm not trying to steal anyone," she finally managed to say, her voice shaky.

Sophia rolled her eyes, unimpressed. "Whatever you say, Emily. Just remember, I'm watching you." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Emily feeling small and shaken.

As they made their way to lunch, Emily felt the weight of the encounter dragging her down. Maya tried to lighten the mood, chatting about their plans for the week, but Emily could barely focus. The joy of the gym had been replaced with a heavy cloud of anxiety and sadness.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Emily spotted Jake sitting with Marcus and a few other players. She felt a flutter in her chest at the sight of him, but as she approached, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her.

"Hey, you two!" Jake called out, his face lighting up as he noticed them. But as he looked closely at Emily, his expression shifted slightly, concern etched across his features. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Emily lied, forcing a smile. "Just tired from the workout."

He didn't seem convinced. "You sure? You look a little... off."

"I'm fine," she insisted, though the words felt hollow. She picked at her food, trying to force down a few bites while the conversation flowed around her. Jake kept glancing at her, clearly not buying her facade, and that only made her mood worsen.

After lunch, it was time for cheer practice. As they gathered on the field, Emily's heart sank further. Sophia was at the helm, barking orders with an intensity that felt personal today. The other cheerleaders were unusually silent, sensing the tension in the air.

"Alright, ladies, let's show some energy out there!" Sophia yelled, her eyes narrowing at Emily. "I expect perfection, and if you can't handle that, maybe you should reconsider being here."

Emily felt a lump form in her throat. She pushed herself to keep up, but every time Sophia glanced in her direction, it felt like daggers were being thrown her way. The practice felt like a living nightmare, and Emily stumbled through the routines, unable to shake the feeling that Sophia was singling her out.

"Emily! What's wrong with you today? Are you even paying attention?" Sophia snapped during a break. The other cheerleaders looked away, avoiding the confrontation.

"I'm trying my best!" Emily retorted, frustration boiling over.

"Your best isn't good enough. You need to step it up, or you're not going to make it through the season," Sophia replied, her tone sharp and condescending. Emily felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment and anger, the words stinging far more than they should have.

As practice dragged on, Emily felt utterly defeated. The threat from Sophia hung over her like a dark cloud, overshadowing the joy she had felt just a few days ago. After what felt like hours, practice finally ended, and Emily trudged back to the locker room, her heart heavy.

Maya met her at the door, concern etched on her face. "Emily, are you okay? You seem really down."

"I just... I can't shake what Sophia said earlier. She's right; I'm probably just making things worse for Jake," Emily admitted, her voice small.

"Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get under your skin. You're amazing, and Jake likes you for you," Maya said firmly, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

But as Emily gathered her things and headed out of the gym, she couldn't help but feel the weight of Sophia's words. Would Jake really get bored of her?

As she walked back to her dorm, Emily could only hope that tomorrow would bring better things.

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