Back to college

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After a few wonderful days spent with Jake's family, the time had come for them to return to college. The farewells were heartfelt, filled with warm hugs and promises to stay in touch. Emily felt a bittersweet pang in her chest as she stood at the front door, exchanging goodbyes with Jake's parents. "You're always welcome here, Emily," Jake's mom said with a kind smile, pulling her into another embrace. "You're practically family now."

As they finally climbed into Jake's truck, Emily couldn't shake the overwhelming emotions swirling inside her. Once they hit the road, she felt tears escaping her eyes, catching Jake's attention.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concern etching his features as he glanced over at her.

Emily wiped her eyes quickly, not wanting to worry him. "I'm fine, really. I just... I felt like I was part of a family again," she admitted, her voice quivering slightly.

Jake's expression softened. "What do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath, she explained, "I love my family, but they're never around. They're always traveling, especially since my brother joined the military. We rarely do anything as a family anymore. It was just really nice to experience that change with your family."

Jake reached over and squeezed her hand, his touch providing comfort. "I get that. You're always welcome to be part of my family," he said softly, his eyes sincere.

Emily smiled through her tears, feeling a warmth spread through her heart. "Thank you, Jake. That means a lot to me."

The drive back to campus felt long, filled with quiet moments as they both reflected on their time together. When they finally arrived, Emily felt a sense of sadness wash over her at the thought of leaving Jake. She hesitated outside her dorm, looking into his eyes, searching for the right words.

"I'll miss you," she said softly, her heart aching.

Jake leaned in, capturing her lips in a long, lingering kiss. It felt like the world around them faded away, and for a brief moment, everything felt perfect. When they finally pulled apart, both breathless, Emily managed a small smile.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" he said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, soon," she echoed, reluctantly stepping back. She watched him climb back into the truck, her heart heavy as she waved goodbye.

Once she reached her dorm room, Emily found Maya waiting for her, excitement radiating from her.

"Emily! You're back! How was it?" Maya exclaimed, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"It was amazing," Emily gushed, sitting down on her bed and kicking off her shoes. "I really felt like I belonged. Jake's family is wonderful."

Maya plopped down beside her, eager for details. "What was it like? Did you get to know his siblings?"

Emily nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! His sister is so sweet, and she has a little girl. I got to hold her, and it just felt so... normal. And Jake was incredible with his family. I loved every minute of it."

As Emily continued to share stories, Grace walked in, a bright smile on her face. "Hey, did you miss me?" she teased, flopping onto the bed next to Emily.

"Of course!" Emily laughed, the earlier melancholy starting to fade.

"What's the scoop?" Grace asked, her interest piqued. "I need all the details about you and Jake."

Emily hesitated for a moment before finally saying, "Well, we're officially together now. I mean, he called me his girlfriend for the first time while we were there, and it felt amazing."

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