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It was Wednesday afternoon, and Emily was bundled up in her university jacket, brimming with excitement as she prepared to shadow Coach during practice. Jake had playfully bribed her to come along, with the strict instruction that he would be sitting on the bench and not to move. The thought of being so close to the action made her pulse quicken.

As practice began, she followed Coach around the field with her clipboard and notepad, diligently taking notes. Coach was in his element, directing players and calling out drills. Emily's heart raced with anticipation, eager to learn and soak in every detail.

"Over here," Coach said, leading her over to Sam, who was on the sidelines doing stretches. "Sam pulled a muscle, so his job today is all about recovery and stretching. Emily, why don't you stay with him and show him some stretches you learned in lectures?"

"Absolutely!" Emily replied, her enthusiasm shining through. She knelt next to Sam, who greeted her with a warm smile, and began demonstrating various stretches. As she guided him, she felt confident and in control, enjoying the hands-on experience.

By the end of practice, Coach approached her with a nod of approval. "Well done, Emily. You've got a natural talent for this. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Coach! I appreciate the opportunity," she said, beaming with pride.

However, when she turned her attention back to Jake, she noticed his expression was anything but cheerful. He sat slumped on the bench, looking like he was living in a nightmare. She walked over and plopped down beside him, ready to ease his worries.

"Hey," she began, attempting to lighten the mood. "How was it watching the practice from here? Bet it was exciting."

Jake sighed heavily. "It kills me sitting here and not being able to participate. I feel like the team is falling apart without me," he confessed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Emily placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "It's just one practice, Jake. You'll be back before you know it. Plus, you'll be back on Sunday morning for strength and conditioning. Just think about that!"

"Yeah, but I'll be missing the game on Saturday," he said, a shadow crossing his face. "I hate feeling useless."

She could see how much it hurt him, and she wanted to do everything she could to help. "Why don't we take a light stroll? It'll clear your mind."

Jake hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "That sounds good."

She took his hand, and they walked together toward the coffee shop, the chill in the air invigorating them both. As they strolled, Emily tried to engage him in light conversation, steering the focus away from his worries. "Did you see the way Sam was stretching? I think he might be ready for a career in yoga," she joked.

Jake chuckled, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. "Yeah, he looked pretty flexible. I might need to take a few notes from him when I get back."

They continued walking, fingers intertwined, the atmosphere around them growing lighter. "So, what are you planning for your first game back?" Emily asked, eager to hear his thoughts.

"I'm definitely going to bring the heat. I can't wait to show everyone I'm still the same player," Jake replied, his confidence returning a bit.

"Exactly! You'll come back even stronger. And I'll be right there cheering for you," she said, squeezing his hand gently.

"Thanks, Em. I really appreciate your support," he said, looking down at their joined hands before meeting her gaze. "You make it easier to get through this."

As they reached the coffee shop, Emily felt a warmth spread through her. In that moment, she knew they were in this together. They ordered their drinks and found a cozy table near the window, where they could continue to talk and enjoy each other's company.

Over steaming mugs, they shared stories about their days, their hopes, and what they were looking forward to in the coming weeks. With every laugh and every smile exchanged, Emily could see the weight on Jake's shoulders beginning to lift, just a little.

When they finally left the coffee shop, Emily felt a sense of closeness that made her heart flutter. With Jake by her side, she knew they could tackle any challenge that came their way, both on and off the field.

When they finished their drinks at the coffee shop, Jake looked at Emily with those intense, leading eyes that sent a thrill through her. "Stay with me again tonight," he said, his voice low and earnest.

Emily hesitated, feeling torn. "I'll have to go back to Maya eventually," she explained, trying to be practical.

Jake's expression shifted to one of vulnerability. "Please, Em. Just for one more night. Tomorrow night, I promise I'll be alone. I just feel so much better with you here. I sleep better with you next to me," he admitted, looking genuinely hopeful.

Seeing the need in his eyes, she felt her resolve start to weaken. "Okay, I'll stay. But I need to call Maya first."

She took out her phone and dialed Maya's number, her heart racing slightly as she waited for her friend to pick up.

"Hey, girl! How was practice?" Maya's cheerful voice came through the speaker.

"It was great! But, um, I decided to stay with Jake tonight," Emily said, trying to gauge her friend's reaction.

"Oh, wow! I wasn't expecting that. Is everything okay?" Maya asked, her tone shifting to concern.

"Yeah, everything's fine. He just... he really wants me there tonight. He feels vulnerable being alone," Emily explained, her heart tugging at the thought.

"Got it! Well, you do you, Em! Just be careful. And I can't wait to have a proper catch-up tomorrow night when you're back!" Maya replied, her voice filled with excitement.

"Thanks, Maya! I promise I'll fill you in on everything," Emily said, relief washing over her.

After ending the call, Emily turned to Jake, who was watching her with eager anticipation. "Okay, let's go."

They walked back to Jake's room, and Emily quickly changed out of her clothes. In a playful mood, she grabbed one of Jake's oversized T-shirts, which fell to her knees. She felt cozy and safe wrapped in his fabric, but she could sense the shift in Jake's demeanor as he took in the sight of her.

His eyes darkened with desire as he looked at her. "You're killing me," he murmured, his voice thick with longing.

Emily smirked, playfully reminding him, "You know you can't have too much physical activity right now."

Jake raised an eyebrow, smirking back at her. "Right now, I don't care. You're all I want."

She could feel the heat radiating between them, the magnetic pull that made her heart race. But a voice of caution echoed in her mind. As much as she craved him too, she knew this could set him back in his recovery. Yet, in that moment, all rational thoughts faded away.

Unable to resist, she stepped closer and kissed him deeply, pouring all her emotions into that one lingering moment. It was intoxicating, a mixture of passion and tenderness that made her head spin.

After breaking the kiss, Emily took a breath and climbed into bed next to him. They settled into their usual positions, tangled up in each other, feeling the warmth radiate between them. The world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them wrapped in their own little universe.

As they lay together, drifting off to sleep, Emily felt an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over her. She hadn't expected her life to take such a turn, but being with Jake felt like home, even amidst the chaos. In that moment, she couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for one more night together, even if it was just a fleeting moment in their journey.

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