Unexpected invitations

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Wednesday mornings were always crisp on campus, the golden California sun rising steadily but still casting a cool breeze. Emily had woken up feeling more energized than usual, buzzing with the excitement of the week so far. Today, she had decided to dress up a little. Instead of her usual laid-back look, she opted for a cute baby blue skirt that fluttered just above her knees, paired with white sneakers and sports socks. She topped it off with a cropped white hoodie and a Pacific U. cap to shield her from the still-brightening sun.

When she met Maya outside Franklin Hall, her friend immediately raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Well, someone's feeling fancy today," Maya teased, her eyes flicking up and down Emily's outfit. "Got a certain quarterback in mind?"

Emily rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small grin. "Oh, please. I just felt like dressing up. Not everything is about Jake."

"Uh-huh," Maya said, unconvinced, as they started walking toward their first class. "Well, for the record, it looks great. Very California chic."

"Thanks," Emily said, adjusting her cap. "I thought I'd switch it up a little."

They strolled through the quad, their shoes crunching on the gravel paths, as students passed by, some rushing to their next class, others leisurely lounging on the lawn. The campus had its own rhythm, and Emily was beginning to find her place within it. The soft breeze tugged at the edges of her hoodie, and she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"So, what's today's plan?" Maya asked, glancing at her phone as they walked. "More cheer practice?"

"No practice today, thankfully," Emily said, adjusting her bag. "Just class and maybe some study time. I've been slacking on my sports physiotherapy notes."

Maya nodded. "Good call. We've got that big anatomy lecture today, don't forget."

"I'm ready," Emily replied, feeling a little more confident than she had at the start of the week. Her coursework was tough, but she was getting the hang of balancing classes with cheer practice and, of course, her social life.

They arrived at the science building, where Emily and Maya shared a few classes, including their massive anatomy lecture. The room was already buzzing with students when they walked in, the lecture hall nearly full as people claimed their favorite seats. Emily spotted a free row halfway up and tugged Maya along.

As they settled in, Emily noticed a girl sitting next to them, flipping through the pages of a worn-out textbook. She had long, curly brown hair and wore a pair of round glasses that gave her a smart, approachable look. Her face lit up when she glanced at Emily's outfit.

"I love your skirt," the girl said with a shy smile, adjusting her glasses. "It's so cute."

"Thanks!" Emily beamed, instantly liking her vibe. "I'm Emily, by the way. This is Maya."

The girl smiled back, tucking her book into her bag. "I'm Grace. I'm new to this class—I had to switch my schedule last minute, so I'm kind of scrambling to catch up."

"Oh, don't worry, you're not alone," Maya chimed in, offering her a sympathetic look. "It's been a lot already, and it's only the first week."

"Tell me about it," Grace said, shaking her head. "But at least I have people to suffer with now." Her smile grew wider as they all laughed.

The professor entered the room, calling the class to attention, and for the next hour, Emily found herself enjoying the lecture more than she thought she would. Grace was easy to talk to between note-taking, and soon enough, they were chatting as though they'd known each other for weeks.

When the class finally wrapped up, Grace turned to Emily as they gathered their things. "Do you guys want to grab lunch? I don't really know anyone here yet, and I could use the company."

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