The game day spark

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Friday morning dawned bright and early, the excitement of game day crackling through the campus air. Emily could feel it the second she stepped out of bed. Today was Pacific U's home opener, and the energy on campus was undeniable. She threw on a pair of leggings and a tank top before heading down to the dining hall with Maya for a quick breakfast.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Maya asked as they walked, her voice buzzing with anticipation. "Marcus texted me last night. He wants me to wear his jersey for the game."

Emily smiled knowingly. "Of course he does. Are you going to?"

Maya nudged her playfully. "Like I'd say no. Come on, I'll get a whole football crowd to scream for me. What about you, though? Any word from Jake?"

Emily shook her head, but even as she said it, she felt a flutter of nerves. Things had been building between her and Jake since that first casual conversation. She had seen him in passing a couple of times during the week, exchanging smiles and short hellos, but nothing serious. Part of her was curious, wondering if he'd make a move. The other part was worried about Sophia's inevitable reaction.

The dining hall was a flurry of students in Pacific U. gear, people grabbing breakfast before their classes or heading straight to the stadium to tailgate. Emily and Maya were sitting by the window, sipping their coffees and chatting about the weekend, when a group of football players strolled in, their voices loud and full of confidence.

Emily recognized a few of them, but her eyes immediately sought out Jake. He was wearing his team jacket, the sleeves rolled up, and he was laughing at something one of his teammates had said. As if sensing her gaze, he looked over and locked eyes with her, that familiar easy grin spreading across his face.

"Oh God," Maya whispered, nudging Emily. "He's coming over."

Jake made his way to their table, ignoring the whistles and calls from his teammates as they walked ahead of him.

"Hey," he said, his voice smooth and casual, but there was something in his eyes that made Emily's heart race.

"Hey," she replied, trying to play it cool.

"So, uh, I've got a favor to ask," Jake said, rubbing the back of his neck like he was nervous. "I don't know if you've heard, but it's kind of a tradition for the cheerleaders to wear the jerseys of the football players for home games."

Maya elbowed Emily under the table, barely able to contain her grin.

Emily nodded, her pulse quickening. "Yeah, I've heard."

"Well," Jake continued, his smile softening, "I was wondering if you'd wear mine tonight. You know, for the game."

Emily's stomach did a flip. She wasn't sure why she was surprised—after all, their connection had been building all week—but hearing him actually ask felt like a huge step.

"I'd love to," she said, her voice a little breathless.

Jake's smile grew, and he pulled a folded-up jersey from behind his back. "Great. Here's my number. I'll see you on the sidelines tonight."

He handed her the jersey—a crisp, white Pacific U. football jersey with his number, 14, boldly printed on the front. Emily took it, feeling a rush of excitement.

"Thanks, Jake," she said, smiling up at him.

He gave her a nod before heading off with his teammates, but not before sending her one last glance over his shoulder.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Maya burst out, "Holy crap! You're wearing Jake's jersey!"

Emily grinned, still holding the jersey in her hands like it was something precious. "I guess I am."

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