Thanksgiving plans

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### Chapter 17: Thursday Morning Chills

The crisp November air nipped at Emily's face as she and Maya made their way across campus, wrapped up in their cozy scarves and warm jackets. Though it was California, the cooler fall air had settled in, leaving a slight chill that made mornings like this feel refreshing. Their breath formed little puffs of mist as they walked, chatting and laughing like they always did.

"I can't believe the last game before Thanksgiving break is tomorrow," Maya said excitedly, pulling her hat tighter over her ears. "We've been working on these stunts for weeks, and I think it's going to be amazing. The team's going to love it!"

"I know," Emily replied, feeling a buzz of excitement mixed with nerves. "I just want everything to go smoothly. This is our last chance to really show what we've got before the break."

As they walked, the conversation drifted from cheerleading to their personal lives, as it often did. Maya, always brimming with enthusiasm, nudged Emily with her elbow and grinned.

"So, I've got some news," she began, her voice full of excitement.

Emily raised her eyebrows. "What's up?"

"Marcus finally asked me to be his girlfriend!" Maya blurted out, barely able to contain her joy. "Like, officially. We had this amazing night, and then he just said he wanted us to be together—no more guessing or wondering."

Emily's face lit up, genuinely happy for her friend. "Maya! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" She pulled her friend into a tight hug. "You guys are so cute together. It's about time!"

Maya beamed, her cheeks flushed with happiness. "I know, right? It feels so good to finally know where we stand."

As they continued walking, Maya's excitement was contagious, but Emily couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy. She adored Maya and Marcus together, but the conversation only highlighted her own uncertainty with Jake. It had been weeks, and despite their growing closeness, Jake still hadn't made any real moves. No official titles, no real dates—just moments that left her wondering where they stood.

Maya seemed to pick up on Emily's sudden quietness. "Em, what's up? You've been weird about Jake lately."

Emily shrugged, pulling her jacket tighter around her. "I don't know, Maya. I'm so happy for you and Marcus, but with Jake, I just feel... stuck. I mean, we're close, and we hang out all the time, but there's no talk of anything serious. No titles. I'm not sure where I stand."

Maya gave her a sympathetic look. "I get that, but maybe Jake's just taking his time. He's clearly into you. Maybe you need to talk to him and figure out what's going on."

"I don't want to push him, though," Emily said, kicking a leaf with her boot. "I feel like if he wanted something more, he'd say something by now."

"Or he's just waiting for the right moment," Maya offered. "Either way, you deserve to know."

Emily smiled faintly but still felt unsure. "Yeah, maybe."

The day passed quickly after that. Lectures flew by, and soon enough, Emily and Maya were at their last cheer practice before the big game. Emily threw herself into leading the squad, making sure everything was perfect. The stunts went off without a hitch, and by the time practice ended, she felt a surge of pride at how far they'd come.

The evening air greeted Emily as she left the locker room after their final cheer practice before the big game. Her body ached from all the stunts, but the excitement for tomorrow's match gave her an extra boost of energy. As she adjusted her gym bag over her shoulder, she noticed Jake jogging towards her with a determined look on his face.

"Hey, Em," he called, his voice breathless but warm.

"Hey!" she responded, a little surprised to see him. "What's up?"

Jake came to a stop next to her, running a hand through his hair, clearly flustered. "Marcus told me you're staying on campus during Thanksgiving break. Is that true?"

Emily shrugged, trying to keep things casual. "Yeah, it's no big deal. My parents are going on a cruise, and I just figured I'd stay here and get some studying done."

Jake frowned, his expression full of concern. "You're seriously going to stay here by yourself? Emily, come on, that's not happening."

She chuckled lightly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "I'll be fine. Besides, I turned down invites from Maya and Grace, too. I don't want to be a burden to anyone."

"You wouldn't be a burden," Jake said, stepping closer. His voice softened as he continued. "Come with me. I want you to spend Thanksgiving with my family. My parents, my brother, my sister... they'll love you. And I don't want you here all alone."

Emily's heart raced at his offer. Spending the holiday with Jake and his family sounded wonderful, but it also felt a little overwhelming. She didn't want to intrude on his family time.

"I don't know, Jake," she said cautiously. "I don't want to impose. It's your family's holiday."

"You wouldn't be imposing," Jake replied earnestly, his eyes locking onto hers. "I promise you. My family would be thrilled to have you, and I want you there with me. Please."

Emily hesitated, her mind racing. Part of her wanted to go, to spend more time with Jake and experience his world, but the fear of feeling out of place held her back. She stared into his eyes, seeing how much he truly meant it. Slowly, a small smile crept onto her face.

"Okay," she said softly. "I'll come."

Jake's face broke into the biggest grin she'd ever seen. Without thinking, he pulled her into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground as he spun her around. "You have no idea how happy that makes me," he said, his excitement contagious.

Emily laughed as he set her back down, feeling a mix of butterflies and relief. "Okay, okay! Put me down before I get dizzy!" she joked, playfully swatting his arm.

Jake laughed with her, his eyes bright. As they started walking back toward her dorm, his excitement didn't wane. He talked animatedly about his family, describing how they always had huge family dinners, how his mom loved to bake, and how his dad would insist on watching football the entire day. Emily found herself smiling, soaking in every detail as they strolled along the path lined with trees, their steps matching in rhythm.

"And tomorrow's game," Jake added, his voice still full of excitement. "It's going to be intense. The team's been killing it, but this one's big. And having you cheering us on... that's gonna be my good luck charm."

Emily blushed at his words, feeling her cheeks warm despite the cool evening air. "No pressure, right?"

Jake grinned. "No pressure. Just knowing you're there makes all the difference."

As they approached the dorm, Emily felt a strange mix of emotions—excitement for the game, nerves about meeting his family, and warmth from the way Jake made her feel. Before she could overthink it, Jake stopped just outside her dorm, turning to face her with that easy smile of his.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.

"Of course," Emily replied, smiling back at him. "Good luck tomorrow, Jake. Not that you'll need it."

He chuckled, taking a small step closer. "Thanks, Em. You're the best."

With that, Jake leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, sending a rush of warmth through her. Emily smiled, her heart fluttering as she watched him walk away, calling out a quick "Goodnight!" over his shoulder.

As she headed inside, Emily couldn't help but feel the anticipation of the next few days build up. Between the game, Thanksgiving, and spending time with Jake, the holiday break was shaping up to be more eventful than she had expected.

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