23 Love

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The sunlight coming from the balcony disturbs shree sleep, she slowly opens her eyes and sits up, gets confused finding herself in Rudra's room, then she remembers last night, how Rudra was singing a song which made her fall asleep.

Her eyes fall on Rudra sleeping on the sofa and suddenly a smile comes on her face, she finds his peaceful sleeping face adorable.
Then suddenly she felt something in her shorts, she immediately got down from the bed and went out of the room without disturbing him and closed the door softly.

She went to her bathroom and checked and then she realized that she had got her period. She always keeps extra pads with her to avoid any discomfort.

she does her morning routine and takes a bath in the morning and comes out of the bathroom wearing comfortable clothes.

Rudra opens his eyes, he sits up and first looks towards bed, when shri is not seen on bed he wonders if she is fine, she had back pain yesterday.

He thought he should check on Shri once to see if she was alright or not.

He went towards her room and knocked on her door, when Riya heard the sound on the door she said come inside, Rudra went inside her room and saw Shree combing her hair.

Shri turned seeing Rudra and asked, "you woke up".

"Yes..How is your back pain now?" He asked

"Fine," she said, putting her comb on the dressing table.

"And Thanks for yesterday,"
She added, because of his behavior last night, she has developed an even greater sense of purity towards him in her heart and even now he comes to visit her first thing in the morning to see if she is okay, because by the look on his face she knows he hasn't even washed his face and he comes straight here.

"Thank you," Rudra said with a slight smile, which made his morning face look even more handsome.

"Why?" she asked with a confused smile.

"I told you about my past and you listened to me very attentively."
But I never said thank you because telling you made the burden of the past lighter on my heart, so
thank you for that. He replied.

"You don't have to thank me for that, ...Since I am your friend, I am always there for you." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"exactly, the same applies to you." He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, Anything else?" she asked dramatically.

"No" He chuckled looking at her antics.

"Now you go freshen up. We will have breakfast together.'' she said.

Rudra nodded with a smile and went away.

Shri thought to pack her things as her home is 3 hours away from here and she doesn't like driving alone, so she booked flight yesterday itself which is today at 10 am.

She did not pack much stuff, she just packed camera and essential things which she used daily, as her clothes are there at home so she did not pack her clothes. After this she gets busy on her phone.

Rudra who had freshened up came out of his room and went straight to the kitchen and thought of taking breakfast upstairs so he prepared a plate for both of them and took it upstairs to Shri's room.

Shri comes out of her mobile after hearing the click of the room's door.
Her eyes fell on Rudra who was coming towards her with a plate in his hand.

"I feel like having breakfast upstairs today," He said, and placed the plate on the table in front of the little couch in her room.

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