♧the first leaf: part 10♧

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You wished your dad good luck and walked out of the room. This was indeed a hard decision to make, but not a decision you had to think of immediately. It would take you time anyway, so what could hurt in procrastinating it right? Your footsteps were light as you walked to the waiting room, just to see Kaiser patiently scrolling through his phone. 

"I just wanted to thank you for uuh... being so nice...", you muttered awkwardly. He looked up, clearly not having heard what you just said. He raised an eyebrow, indicating for you to repeat what you said. 

"Thank you for... being so nice. For uuh, helping me out. Like, with bringing me here so late and willing to take me back even later. Its sweet of you to do that, especially after a tiring match.", you said a little more boldly this time. He smirked and stood up, looking at you. 

"Don't thank me. I wouldn't have done it if your dad hadn't asked me to."

"This whole thing with 'my dad asking you' seems so shady. But I suppose now isn't the time to really think about it."

"Mhm. C'mon. Let's go."

"Wait. I have something to ask."

He looked at you suspiciously. He had a feeling your dad had told you something but he was hoping he didn't reveal too much for your curiosity. 

"Never mind, its too personal. I know you won't answer."

"Nah who cares? Just ask."

"Who was your uuh- um- mom?"

He let out a deep sigh. He did not want to answer that question. It was actually very visible he didn't want to answer it. 

"No its ok, I already said it was too personal. I can see why you don't want to tell me."

"You aren't even mad enough to know who sent hitmen to kill your dad?"

"Please, my dad could die and the last thing I would do is attend his funeral."

"You say that, yet here you are. In the hospital. To check up on him."

"Its out of courtesy."

"I'm sure my dear over here would have enough courtesy to go to his funeral then."

"I've lost all of it."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Ugh this was supposed to be a wholesome moment."

"Wholesome my ass."

"Clearly.", you said with a scoff as you rolled your eyes. He walked with you until his car and threw the keys at your face.

"Drive.", he said with a demanding tone. You looked at him, stunned. 

"Wha- Why?"

"Stop being so clueless all the time bastard. Just do what I say."

You wanted to argue back but you didn't bother. What was the point? He would just argue otherwise. With a sigh, you stepped into the driver's seat. He sat beside you, in the most relaxed position possible. It pissed you off to no end. You let out an unnecessarily loud 'tsk' and got a scorn in return.

You started driving back to your hotel. You stopped at a gas station on the way, and bought two cans of beer. Legal age of drinking in Germany was 16 for beer and wine. You got back into the car, both the cans in hand. 

"You stopped for beer? Are you crazy?", he asked with a very judgmental look painted all across his face.

"Its my first time."

"You want to drink for the first time with me? Wow, you have too much trust. Just trust me for the night then won't you?", he smirked. You rolled your eyes in response, and pushed a can towards him, which he pushed back to you.

"What? C'moooon take it!!"

"...No. I don't drink."

"Oh-", you said surprised. It was indeed a wise decision to make, especially as a sportsman. But the fact that Michael Kaiser of all people in this world said he didn't drink was definitely a surprise for you. You respected it, nonetheless. You simply kept the can in the cup holder next to you and opened you can. 'Here we go', you thought to yourself. You chugged it down and dropped it. You were somehow able to swallow it all. Your eyes were watery, a rainfall could slip out of it. It was horrendous. Kaiser smirked and laughed.

"N/n don't tell me you actually thought you could handle it?"

"I did now shut up- wait what did you just call me?", you managed to choke out.


"Don't call me that.", you didn't mean those words. They came out instinctively. You loved how it sounded for your ears. It felt like a melody. Kaiser just looked straight and said, "Well, are you going to drive on or should I chuck you out of the driver's seat?". He was clearly trying to avoid conversation on the topic of her nickname any further.

"Y-yeah I'll drive... I didn't mean it by the way."

He raised an eyebrow, confused.

"You can call me n/n, it was just instinct. My bad."

He acknowledged what you said with a nod and leaned back into his seat, pulling out his phone again.

"Hey uuh...", you called out awkwardly, trying to make conversation. You didn't know why but you wanted to keep talking to him. You didn't want it to stop. He turned around, signaling her to spit it out.

"Why don't you drink? Not that its a bad decision of course, its very wise- but- I'm just curious. I always thought a guy like you would love drinking. No offense, of course-"

"I'm a sportsman y/n, drinking is dangerous. Shut up and stop being nosy. Bitch. Just drive forward. Did you forget I just played a match a few hours ago or some shit? I want to go back home. Genuinely retarded."

You were taken aback with how rude he was. Confused, you pondered upon whether you should actually get close to him and accept him as a nice person or whether you should just flip him off, call him a bitch, and run out of the car. Of course, the latter wasn't exactly helpful late at night in a gas station, in a country you barely knew. You just suppressed your rapidly rising anger and started driving again. You didn't want to start conversation anymore. The air could be however awkward, nothing would get you to start a conversation with him ever again. You finally reached the hotel you were currently staying at and handed him the key to the car.

"Thanks for helping. Bye.", you said as quickly as possible and started walking away. Kaiser didn't respond to it and just slammed the door shut again. You walked back into your room, checking on Addy. She was already asleep, so you quietly got changed and got into bed. Not the day you expected to have certainly. 

Definitely unexpected

Extremely unexpected

What the fuck just happened? 

You sat up and processed everything. It felt real. That too with what your dad said- become closer to him- it was so lucky. It felt like it was more than a coincidence. 

This was going to be the start of a new chapter in y/n's life.

 A new chapter solely decided by luck.



Word count: 1158

a/n: this is in honor of the new season of bllk airing today and that we're getting more sae content and that we're going to meet kaiser pretty soon and that i will not see foot, i will only see balls 🔥🔥

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