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It's year three for Magenta and she is nervous and scared.

Magenta POV

"Oh Nymphy I don't know if I can do it you know tell him." I say nervously. "Oh flower he may like you back." Nymphadora says. "You're right Nymphy ok this year is the year I tell Charlie Weasley that I like him." I say out loud. "You should head back to the Gryffindor table." Nymphadora says smiling.

I head over to my houses table and I hear my name being called.

"Magenta I know you hear me." Charlie says. "Oh hi Charlie Hi Bill." I say smiling. "How was your summer?" Charlie asks. "It was great." I say lying through my teeth. "That's great come sit with us." Charlie says smiling. "I don't want to intrude." I say almost tearing up. "Nonsense you are welcomed to sit with us." Bill says. "Thank you." I say sitting next to Charlie. "Woah what happened to your neck?" Charlie asks sincerely. "Nothing it's fine Charlie I'm just a bit clumsy is all." I say lying. "Are you sure?" Bill asks. "Yea I'm fine really guys I think I'm gonna head to bed now." I say faking a smile and leaving.

Charlie's POV

"She's lying Bill and I think Tonks knows what's happening to her." I say somewhat sad.

Magenta comes back and places a flower from her hair in my hand and runs off again.

"Blue how did she know that's my favorite color." I thought to myself. "You alright Charlie." Bill asks. "I'm fine but I can't shake off Magenta being bruised." I say sad. "She'd tell us if she wants to don't dwell on it." Bill says patting my back. "I know but I don't like seeing her hurt." I tell Bill.

I get up and go to the Hufflepuff table where Tonks is.

"Hey Tonks can I ask you something?" I said. "Sure Charlie what is it?" Nymphadora asks. "Do you know what happened to Magenta's neck?" I ask her hoping she knows. "She told me she fell and not to worry about it." Nymphadora says. "Thanks anyway." I say walking away to the common room.

"She's not even telling her best friend it's worse than I think." I thought to myself.

The flower Magenta gave me all of a sudden started talking.

"Hi Charlie this is really hard for me like super hard but I wanted to say that I like you." Magenta's voice rang out from the flower.

I ran so fast to the common room but she was sleeping. On the couch so I went to bed

Magenta's POV

It's the next day and I head straight to the great hall for breakfast.

"Magenta come sit with us." Bill shouts. "I don't want to intrude." I say nervously. "Nonsense we'd love to have you." Bill says with the famous Weasley smile he and Charlie share. "Sure." I say sitting next to the elder Weasley. "How are you today?" Bill asks. "I'm fine where's Charlie." I ask. "He's a late starter." Bill says smiling. "Oh ok thanks for letting me know I'll be going." I say kind of hurt.

"He must think I'm a big fat idiot for telling him I like him me the mute flower girl." I thought to myself then I felt an arm grab my hand and my flowers didn't react nicely and I turn to see that it's Charlie.

"I am so sorry it's a trigger response to when I'm scared." I say panicking. "It's ok Magenta." Charlie says smiling. "Here eat this." I say handing him the herb from my hair. "What is it." Charlie asks curiously. "It's a healing herb it doesn't heal bruises but other things yes." I excitedly explained.

Charlie then kisses me and I melt into it.

"I like you too Magenta." Charlie says. "I'm sorry did Charlie the Greatest Gryffindor seeker like me the flower girl mute." I say shocked. "Don't be shocked I want to show you something." Charlie says.

We are going back to the common room.

My Flower girl: A Charlie Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now