Start to the final year

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Two-year time skip

Magenta's POV

"Fred George be good I'll be around to check on you." I tell them. "We will be good Gen." Fred says.

I head to the prefect's carriages with Charlie.

"Hi everyone I'm Magenta Marigold James I am Gryffindor's head girl and this is Charlie Weasley your Gryffindor head boy. "Your assignments will be handed to you once we reach the castle." Charlie says.

Charlie and I head to our compartment.

"I'm gonna miss you when I leave in January." Charlie says. "I'll be there in June Charlie." I reassured him. "I have a surprise for you at your graduation don't worry." Charlie says. "After 4 years I could only hope." I smile.

Charlie's POV

Dumbledore said he'd arrange for me to take NEWTS in December so I could start at the sanctuary in January of course Gen was on board with it when I pitched it. Mom not so much but Gen put her mind at ease.

"Hey you ok?" Gen asks. "Yeah I'm ok tomorrow is our four year anniversary." I say kissing Gen. "I know." She says.

We finally arrive at hogwarts and the twins are sorted into Gryffindor.

Magenta's POV

Charlie and I give our first years the tour and end in the common room.

"I'm Magenta but you all can call me Gen I am your head girl for this year and this is my boyfriend and head boy Charlie Weasley."I said. "Gen you sure I can't stay with you." Percy says. "Percy you will be fine I promise." I say hugging him tightly. "Oh and don't forget to pick up your schedules at breakfast." I say to the first years.

It's the next morning and I've gotten two of four Weasley's up for the day.

"Freddie and Georgie get up you don't want to be late for your first day." I scolded. "Ok we are going." The twins say.

We all head to breakfast.

Charlie's POV

Gen is making sure the twins will be ok for their first class.

"If you are gonna prank at least do it on peeves or filch." Gen says. "So you saying you won't take points off if our pranks are only to filch and peeves." George asks. "That's correct." Gen says.

We make sure the twins and Percy get to class and then we head to care of magical creatures the only class we have with Nymphy.

"TOOTHLESS!" Gen yells. "Gen you named a dragon." Nymphy asks. "Of course he has no teeth so he's toothless." I tell nymphy.

Toothless nuzzles his head into Gen's hands and then into mine.

"Hi toothless." I say scratching his chin. "Since Mr. Weasley and Ms. James know this dragon how about you two ride it." Professor Kettle-burn says.

I grab Gen's wrist and pull her on toothless and soon enough we are flying all over hogwarts I'll admit it was fun. Gen was screaming like a mandrake the whole time.

"That was amazing." I almost shouted. "Omg that was amazing." Gen shouts. "Class dismissed." Professor Kettle-burn says.

Magenta's POV

Charlie and I decided to head to the great hall for lunch and then we heard giggling.

"What did you two do?" I ask. "Well we dyed Mrs. Norris's fur bright pink." Fred says. "That was funny." Charlie says. "Now go run before he catches you two." I rush them away.

We finally get into the great hall and I get a letter from my Ronny.

Hi Gen I want to say I miss you and I lost A tooth today I sent it and I think Harry likes Malia he lets her boss him around but he doesn't mind if I know your busy with your last year but your the best sister in law ever and thanks for the stock on medicine.


"Who's it from?" Charlie asks. "Ronny he's lost a tooth and he's sent it to me." I say smiling.

The rest of the time we all spend having lunch and chatting.

My Flower girl: A Charlie Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now