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"Welcome to my room, class. For the next year, we will be working together on geometry. And I don't care if some of you don't like the other, you will learn to work together. Like it or not." The teacher said before he turned to the class as Miranda's smile got bigger since she enjoyed how the teacher talked to the students. He had a no nonsense attitude and that what made Miranda admire him even though the other students would call him a pain in the ass but Miranda didn't care how the others felt about him. The next hour went by in what felt like a blur as they were working on class work while the teacher went around and kept giving them their homework for the week. Even though Miranda felt like she just couldn't keep up but she knew that she had to keep going even if the pace was a little fast for her liking. But she then smiled as she knew that she was not going to get any special privilege since she was rich and going to be poor soon. The girl in the seat next to her noticed her smiling and then felt really confused about why she was so happy and she knew that she had to figure out what was making her smile.

"Hey, why are you smiling? Most of us are struggling." The girl asked before Miranda looked over at her still having a huge smile on her face even though she felt bad that the other students were having a hard time with the work. She then took a deep breath as she knew that she had to come up with an excuse that would not sound like an outrageous lie to another person. She then looked at the girl as she knew that she had a good reason even though if it made her like a nerd but she knew that she should not care about what others had thought about her. She then looked in the girl's eyes while trying to figure out what she was going to say so that she could get to her work before the teacher could catch her leaning over. The girl kept watching Miranda feeling even more confused that she was not saying anything but she knew that she had to stay calm and quiet so that the teacher could not look at them. Miranda looked forward as she noticed something moving and she instantly knew that the teacher was about to turn around and bust her and the other girl and she knew that she had to say what she needed to say as soon as she could so that they could go back to learning. Miranda then took a deep breath before she looked at the girl again and then she knew that she had to be bold with what she was about to say.

"I love a good challenge. I'm used to people coddling my intelligence. My name is Miranda." Miranda said before the girl looked away feeling weird about her and then she shrugged before she went back to work. Miranda closed her eyes and then she sighed as she knew that she could not let herself be hurt by the girl ignoring her and she knew that she had to get back to work so she looked down at her paper while balling her hands into fists. She knew that her life was going to change even if she had to force it but she didn't care anymore since she knew that she she was going to work hard and she knew that she couldn't let herself be distracted by anything. Miranda picked up her pencil and then she started her class work as the girl watched her more whenever Miranda isn't looking in her direction. Miranda then got ready to leave as the bell rang and the teacher went to Miranda as the rest of the students left the classroom before Miranda looked up at the teacher. She felt confused since she didn't do anything to get herself into trouble but she knew that she had to keep quiet since she didn't want to risk her good girl image to the rest of the school.

"You are an interesting one, Miranda. When the rest of the class wanted to get out of here during the working time and whisper to each other, you were actually working and it looked to me like you were happy about the work. I like your work ethic. You better get to your next class, ma'am. And don't work yourself too much." The teacher said as he looked down at her with a small smile on his face before she nodded and then she stood up and immediately grabbed her backpack. She then left the classroom and walked down the hallway as she looked around and noticed how everyone around her was making friends so easily and she started to wonder why it was so hard for her to make any friends. Miranda then looked down at the ground as she shook her head since she didn't know what she was going to do but she knew that she had to stay focused. She walked into the classroom and then smiled as she saw Trevor but then immediately went to him and got on her knees as she noticed his black eye with a concerned look on her face.

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