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"Alright, ma'am. I will need your birth certificate and your ID card. While I scan those, I will need you to fill out this paperwork." The woman said before she slid the paperwork and pen on a clipboard over to Miranda. Miranda then reached back into her bag and then she pulled out her birth certificate and then gave the paper and her ID card to the woman before she grabbed the clipboard and walked over to a chair. Trevor went and sat next to Miranda and watched as she started to fill out the paperwork before the woman secretly turned and looked at Miranda while feeling amazed and shocked that the child in her lobby was the child of the wealthiest family in the country. She then immediately scanned both the card and the certificate before she put them together in an envelope and then she turned around and went and put on the envelope on the desk as Miranda and went and gave the clipboard and the pen to the woman before she grabbed the envelope. The woman then grabbed the envelope and immediately put it in a secret silent paper shredder before she grabbed a lease for a room and then immediately handed it with the clipboard and the pen. The woman then gave them both to Miranda again while Miranda watched her with a medium sized smile on her face.

"Before I can give you the key, I need you to sign this. You can read it if you want. I won't force you too." The woman said nervously before Trevor looked at her while feeling confused about why she was acting this way. He knew that the woman would always try to scam her new tenants out of more money then she would originally get for the rooms. But not with Miranda even though he knew that she was coming from a wealthy family and he had thought that the wealthy family status would not boost her up in real life situations. Miranda was feeling kind of disappointed that she could not take out her friend and use it to make it easier for her but she didn't care at the moment so she grabbed the clipboard and went back to her seat. Miranda started to read everything in the lease before she picked up the pen and then she signed her name and then she went and gave the lease to the woman and watched as the woman gave her the key to a room on the second floor. Miranda then smiled at the woman before she went and picked up her bag before she turned and looked at the woman as she felt gracious that the woman didn't give her too much trouble. And since she felt appreciative she knew that she had to thank the woman even if she wanted to leave immediately to go up to her new room.

"Thank you for your business today. I will try not to make too many mistakes or cause a lot of problems. You have a good day." Miranda said before she turned and went to the room with the corresponding number on the key as Trevor followed her looking around. He couldn't believe what he was seeing but he knew that he had to make sure that she stayed calm even if she was getting excited. Trevor closed his eyes and then took a deep breath as she unlocked and then opened her door to a full apartment with three separate rooms, one for the bedroom, one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen and she looked around at the living room with a huge smile on her face. Trevor slowly looked around suspiciously as he didn't know how clean the room was and he knew that he had to keep Miranda safe and healthy now that she was fully on her own. As Miranda put her bag down and then started to look around the apartment, Trevor turned and closed and locked the door so that Miranda wouldn't get bothered by her neighbors and then he turned around and then started to slowly walk around while inspecting the apartment. Trevor had a bad feeling with the apartment butt he knew that as long as he wasn't paying for the room that he had to keep his mouth shut around both Miranda and the receptionist knowing that she had young kids to take care of when she wasn't running the motel.

"This place is honestly perfect. I'm glad that nice lady at the desk is letting me move in immediately." Miranda said before Trevor turned to her while looking at her as he slowly nodded since he couldn't tell her the reason why the receptionist was being so nice to her. He knew that the receptionist believed that if she was nice to Miranda then she would be able to get more money from her family's riches though she didn't even know the situation and Trevor that the price of telling her the truth would be bad for Miranda. He then closed his eyes and then took another deep breath before he opened his eyes and then took his phone out when he felt his phone vibrate and then he looked at the text from his father before he felt a frown form on his face. He knew that he needed to leave if he didn't want to face his father's wrath but he also wondered how Miranda would react if she knew what he was going through. He then closed his eyes and then he shook his head since he didn't want her to worry about him and his safety just yet since she had left her own family. He then took another deep breath while he opened his eyes and then raised his head to pretend that everything in him was okay and then he plastered a fake smile on his face.

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