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A new school.
For Lucy Heartfilia this was nothing new.
She changed schools often, but little did she know that it would be this... different.

"Dad, can you hurry up? I want to get there TODAY!"
The blond yelled at her father while tapping he foot impatiently.
"We'll be there in time, I promise." The man grunted while carrying a giant box.
"You could help you know."
The father stated as he set down the box on the backseat of their old Mercedes, but the blond was already eagerly sitting inside he car, ready to leave.
The old man sighed as he closed the door and joined her in the car.
"Lucy, darling the academy is still six hours away. You'd better calm down a bit."
At that the girl sighed in defeat and after a few minutes she drifted off into sleep.

Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of her father calling her. "Lucy. Luuuuucy. We're here!"
"Wake up we're here!"
Finally the blond woke up and understood.
"OH MY GOSH!" She jumped up and hit her head on the cars roof.
"Ouch." She rubbed her skull and sat back down.
"Easy there," her father chuckled. "You're going to be gone for an entire year. Don't you at least want to say good bye to your old man?"
"Sorry daddy." She said and hugged her father.

"Ok." He sighed. "You can go now."
"Really?" The blond looked up at her father, her eyes sparkling with joy.
"Yeah really." He smiled and ruffed through her hair.
"Now go before I change my mind and take you with me."
"NOOOO!!!! I'm already gone! See?"
The girl said grabbing the two cardboard
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah," she grunted walking towards the building. "I'll be fine."
"Ok." He said and waved."Bye, sweetie!"
"Bye, dad. I'll write you lots of letters."
"Be careful!"
"Yeah yeah. Bye, I love you!"
And with that her father waved one last time and then drove off to wherever he was going.

Lucy walked up a few stairs when she bumped into something hard.
She fell back and dropped all her boxes.
In front of her stood a beautiful woman with Snow White hair.
"I'm glad to hear that, but I'm not into girls."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"The 'I love you' thing."
Lucy sweat dropped.
"Relax kid!" The woman laughed. "I'm just messing with you!"
"I'm Mirajane but you can call me Mira."
The girls said as she helped the blond up.
"My name's Lucy."
"Well nice to meet you Lucy. Do you need help with that?"
She pointed at he moving boxes.
"No not real-"
Immediately a boy with salmon coloured hair stood I front of them along with a blue haired boy.
"Aye, sir!" They both said and picked up the boxes.
"Bring them to the girl dorms and ask Erza where to put the new girls stuff."
"E-ERZA?!?!" The both screamed in unison.
"Yes, Erza." She turned to them with the scariest expression Lucy had ever witnessed.
"Is there a problem with that?"
The two boys cowered in fear and shook their heads.
Mira's expression suddenly changed back to the sweet and usual as the two boys scuttled off.
"So," she smiled. "Let's get you settled in, Lucy."

And so Mira helped out the new girl by showing her around 'Fioree Academy' and helping her settle in.

But when the blond finally managed to figure out what she thought were the basics of this school, something surprised her when she entered her dorm.... Apartment?

She walked into a large penthouse like room/ apartment where a gorgeous woman with long scarlet hair greeted her with a smile.
"Hello there. You must be Lucy Heartfilia. I'm Erza Scarlet. The dorm-leader, student body president and your dorm-mate."
"Uhhhh. Hi."
Lucy answered when she spotted a brunette stumbling around the kitchen corner with a wine bottle in her hand.
"Ooooh, fresh meat." She grinned and tackled the blonde.
"Hmmmmm," she inhaled deeply through her nose. "You smell niiiiice."
The red haired girl in response got annoyed and pulled the brunette off of Lucy.
"Cana, stop harassing our new roommate. And for heavens sake TAKE A BATH!"
At that the brunette giggled and inelegantly danced her way back to her room.
"Sorry about that." The girl sighed.
"N-no problem. Uhh can I maybe.."
"You want to know where your room is."
Lucy nodded.
"It's upstairs second room to the right. You should get some rest, you must be tired from such a long trip. I'll wake you when dinners ready."
"Thanks." Lucy said and managed to give her new roommate a smile as she headed upstairs.

Frankly she had forgotten if the room had been left or right, do to her lacking ability to listen.
She took the left.
She opened the door where she was greeted by a naked bluenette sitting on top of a sweaty naked raven haired boy. They were panting.
Lucy stared in shock and they stared back.
"What are you staring at?" The boy asked as if it hadn't been a big deal.
"S-sorry." She stuttered and slammed the door shut. She pushed the hair out of her face and sighed.
"What the hell was that." Suddenly the pink haired boy stood in front of her, pinning her to the wall.

"That, my friend, was a part of the games."

The games [a fairy tail lemon]Where stories live. Discover now