Chapter 33:

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"So," Juvia placed another card onto the table. "I three points for griffindor."
Gray looked up in confusion.
"I took out one of your virgins." She said nonchalantly whilst hiding her smirk behind the queen of hearts, an ace and two kings.
She glanced up at him, she loved playing these games. The emotional ones of course, the card games were way to boring, she always won.
"Lyon." She said and threw in the ace, the two kings and the queen.

Gray just sat there staring at the cards.
"I win." Juvia grinned and crossed her arms.
Gray murmured something she failed to understand.
"I said: I am going to kill him."
Juvia's eyes widened.
"What?" She was a bit scared. A vein in his neck popped out and he crushed the cards in his hands.
He got up without a word and left, before she could ask any further questions.

"Cana! Erza!" The two friends came bursting out of their rooms.
"We have a problem."
"What happened?"
"Gray is going to kill him."
"Who?" Cana asked.
"Lyon." The redhead answered.

"What's wrong?" Lucy came out of her room with a book in her hand.
"Gray is going to kill someone."
Cana answered.
"But doesn't he always say that?"
"You don't understand, you should've seen him. He meant it."
"Holy shit. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Lucy dropped her book and threw away her glasses as she followed the three girls.
"Cana, you go look for some friends on campus that could help us. Erza, you go check the security cameras. And Lucy, you go get Natsu." Juvia commanded.
"Got it!" The girls answered."
"But why Natsu?" Cana glanced over at Lucy.
"Because the only person he hates more than Lyon, is him."


"LYON!" Gray walked up to the silver haired boy.
"Damn right. I told you to stay the fuck away from her!" She grabbed his friends by the collar and shoved him up against the wall.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"I'm sorry man, really."
"I DON'T CARE! I told you that you that I was going to kill you, and that's exactly what I am here to do."
"Please don't." Lyon shook with fear as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"AT LEAST FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" Gray punched the poor boy again and let him fall to the ground. "I MEAN YOU HAD THE BALLS TO FUCK MY GIRL! WHERE ARE THOSE NOW? HUH? HUH?!" He kicked Lyon again and again. "I knew that you had a eye for her, but this is a new low even for scum like you!"

He lifter his foot and kicked him in the face. The boy spat out blood and coughed. "Tell me, how did it feel? You probably couldn't control yourself. You DISGUST ME!" He sat on top of him and started beating him until his fists were bloody.

"GRAY!" The boy looked up behind him. There she stood, showing emotion for the first time in a while. Clear pearls were running down her cheeks. "Stop it. You'll kill him."
"J-Juvia?" He stammered.
"Get off of him."
She walked over to him, her eyes gleaming with anger.
"I said: Get. Off. Of. Him."

Gray slowly moved off.
"Look at what you did. You almost killed someone. You don't know how to deal with your emotions and then stuff live this happens." She inspected Lyons wounds briefly.
"I can't tell this is the fist time, then again I am one to talk. I bottle it up just as much as you do." She got up and tried to lift the limb body. The boy groaned softly as she dragged him across the hall.
"Fix yourself. I don't want to see your face until you do."

Gray just sat there and watched the girl he loved, drag away the boy he hated most in this moment.

He looked at his bloody knuckles.
"What have I done?"

"Who am I?"

ELLO MY BEAUTIFUL SPOOKY GOBLINS (notice I didn't say fairies because Halloween) I AM BACK! Well I haven't fully recovered, but I have gotten my writing flow back a little bit.
Write in the comments down below what you think is gonna happen next, and tag lots and LOTS of people who you think might like this story or have dropped it because let's be honest I SUCK at updating... Anywhoooo I hope you're all as stoked for Halloween as I am! I am going as Lucy Quinn the daughter of Harley Quinn and the Joker! Tell me what ur going as! I'd love to know!

I'll go and work on more chapters now, but until then!:
Thanks for reading and I'll write you soon!

Love, Fairy

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