Chapter: 26

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Lucy fell back into the bed with a content smile on her face. She felt so motivated. She stared at her ceiling. Her hand reached up as if she was reaching for the stars, which she was, just metaphorically. The door opened and Lucy looked at the person standing there.

(Who do you think it is?)

She would've thought it would've been someone like Cana or Natsu, even Levy would've made sense, but it was someone completely different. Mira. She stood there with her arms crossed and she looked so disappointed. Lucy sat up.

"Hey." She said timidly. "You know what you're doing here, right?" Mira answered, bluntly ignoring the greeting of her friend. Lucy knew what she was talking about and looked at the ground. "I'm not mad at you. I just want you to deicide." Mira added. "I don't know how." Lucy was so confused when it came down to her feelings. "Figure it out. They're both going to leave if you don't." Lucy nodded.

Mira was about to close the door when she turned back and smiled softly. "You did great today. I'm proud of you." And with that she disappeared into the dark hallway and closed the door behind herself.
Suddenly Lucy wasn't so content anymore.

She couldn't sleep. She tried everything, but she couldn't sleep until she finally decided to take Mira's advice and did something to figure out who it was going to be.
She slipped out of her bedroom and into the corridor. She knew it was forbidden, but she went anyway. After wandering for a while she finally opened the door.
"Hey I can't sleep. Can I stay with you?" She whispered. "Sure." And so she crawled under the covers only to be embraced. "God you're feet are cold." "No shit," she chuckled. "It takes a while to get from my room to yours." "Well, now you're here so try to get some rest. We don't need a queen looking like a homeless person by the time the sun rises." But Lucy was already fast asleep.


In the boys dorm.

"So do you get the plan?" A girl with a hood asked. "Yeah," Gray smirked. "We got it alright. Thanks. You saved our asses." The girl smiled. "Anything to keep that bitch from winning."


Lucy's eyes fluttered open. The light was shining through the curtain and something had left a sweet sent behind. She felt protected and smiled as she curled up against the warm body next to her. "Morning." The voice said hoarsely. "Had a nice rest?" Lucy smiled and nodded as she buried her face in their side. "Well, it's time to get up now." Lucy frowned and shook her head. "You do know that you only have today to find the weaknesses of your enemy, right."
"Can't we forget that right now?" Lucy groaned.

Lucy sat up and looked over at the person next to her.

{who could it be?}

"What would make you weak?" She asked.
She rolled her eyes. "I mean for real." 
"Something hot I guess."
"No I mean like a fetish or something."
"Yeah. Something hot. Like physically hot."
That stupid grin just made her want to kiss him over and over and over again. "Come on Luce," Natsu smiled. "We can't have you lose, now can we?"
"Fine." She groaned and rolled out of bed. She stood there for a while and stared out the window. The light was blinding. She looked down at her feet and saw them bare. Her eyes widened.
"What time is it?" She asked, a strain of panic subtilely hidden writhing her voice. "Uhhm 11:45 am. Why?"

Lucy started pacing back and forth. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-" "Hey." The boy whistled disrupting the blondes chant. "The school must be swarming with students by now."
"So?! So what does it look like when the queen is coming out of the Kings dorm BARELY CLOTHED?!"
"Yeah. Oh."

Lucy thought for a few seconds. "Give me your phone."
"I'm calling Erza."
Natsu handed the girl his phone and watched her dial the number.

"Hello?" Someone picked up.
"Hey, Erza?"
"Who's this?"
"Oh hey- wait... Why are you calling from Natsu's phone?"
"Don't answer that, actually."
"Ok so I need you to bring me some clothes."
"Natsu's dorm?"
"Ok. I'll be there in a bit."
"No prob."

Lucy sat back onto the bed and handed Natsu his phone.
"Is she coming?"
"That's good."

An awkward silence fell upon them as they sat there in that little room.

Lucy felt it was easier to talk with Cana. Perhaps it was because they had an actual relationship not based on pure lust and attraction. She didn't know why she had come the night before, why she hadn't gone just a few steps to Cana's dorm. She had walked through the dark, all alone and barefooted for what? This? This was nothing. This was meaningless. Or was it? Something had made her come here and that couldn't have simply meant nothing, right? There had to be something here, right?

"Luce." Lucy shot around startled by his voice. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah." She hesitated.
They stared into each others eyes.

"What are we?" They both said simultaneously.
"I don't know." Lucy sighed.
"Neither do I." Natsu moved closer. "All I know is that I don't want to share-"

The doorbell rang. Lucy jumped up and ran for the door when Natsu grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. He had a fierce look in his eyes. "I'm not letting them see you like that."
Lucy melted under his touch. That look. It killed her.
He moved closer. "Like I said," he searched for some sort of reaction in her eyes. "I don't like to share."

Their lips brushed against each other, but the door burst open and Lucy jumped up in shock.
Erza stood there, staring at the two of them with clear anger in her eyes. They stood there like deer in the headlights until Lucy realized what it looked like and ripped herself out of his grasp.

"Thanks Erza." She said, grabbed her clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

"What was that?" Erza clenched her jaw. "What did it look like?"
The girl grabbed Natsu by his collar and shoved him up against the wall. "Don't get smart with me."
Natsu looked at her and gulped.
The redhead let go of him and let the poor boy stand on his own two feet again.

"Don't confuse her more than she already is." Erza shot him a look of pure hatred. "Got it?" Natsu nodded. "Good."

And with that Erza stepped outside, just in time to drag the girl out of the dorm.

soooo I'm deciding to end this chapter right here. What do you think or rather what do you want to happen next. Write some fun stuff and I might consider it^^ anywhoooooo imma get back to the writing so you guys don't murder me for not updating lol.

As always thanks for reading and I'll write you soon^^!

Love, Fairy

{lol since when do wattpadders have outros? WHOHOO TRENDSETTER! I'm a special little snowflake XD}

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