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This takes place in RQ, darkness arc, where Sabre is completely and utterly alone. Shadow isn't here rn he eepy
Bonus, personal HC's

[Sabres POV]

I hummed to myself as I walked along the calming path, a plethora of various colors of leaves gently and gracefully falling to the ground. While I walked, I focused on the crunches of the gravel underneath me, watching the gradient of green, yellow, orange, red, and brown leaves slowly sway in the wind, some breaking off and drifting away. The gentle breeze brushed against my face, I was alone and had my hoodie sleeves rolled up, the various scars lacing my skin from plenty deadly encounters, in this world and others.
I tried my best not to think about the suffocating loneliness, how everyone I loved was either dead or despised me.
They had all the reason too. But sometimes I found myself thinking about how it just. Wasn't. Fair.
They accepted everyone else who had been infected by the darkness, but when it's me.
They cast me away.

I shook my head. They were just scared. I get that. It's ok. To be scared.
I looked up at the star speckled sky, the white dots slowly fading as the deep purple faded into a beautiful maroon, mixing wonderfully with the orange that just began to peak above the horizon. I didn't want to miss the view, so I hurried my pace.

After a short jog, I reached my destination. I had been shown this awhile ago by rainbow.. I miss him. Rainbow.. was kind. I wish- I should've thought about how he felt-
It's too late now. I wish it wasn't. It was all my fault. And I knew that. Shadow didn't even bother to tell me that because I had drilled that into my head ever since his death.

I walked off the gravel path, boots hitting the soft grass silently. Infront of me, was a wonderful sight, my hands fell from my pockets and made their place by my side. The tails of my blindfold swayed gently in the breeze, my short brown hair being messed up more. Not that I cared. Ever since rainbows death, I had stopped taking care of myself. Even less of a reason to now.

I walked towards the edge of the cliff, sitting close to the edge, not caring about the danger of how my legs hung off the edge. I hummed quietly, before looking around. Not that anyone was there, no one would care too.

I grabbed the edge of my blindfold tightly, eyes closed. And pulled it off.

I held the soft fabric in both of my hands, staring with tears in my eyes. The bandana tails had a slight rainbow tint to them, as rainbow had made this for me after my old one got too worn down to use.
And now, this was the last thing I could go near that I had from him. I was alone. Completely and utterly alone. Not even shadow was here.

I held the blindfold tightly, as if it was about to disintegrate. I looked up at the beautiful sunrise, that I used to watch with rainbow, but now, I was alone. No one there to comfort me. Not that I deserved it.

I felt a small smile grace my lips as I saw the colors of the sky blending together in a beautiful portrait. My eyes ached a bit, sensitive to the light, but I didn't care.

I wouldn't see rainbow at the end of it all, but I hope he knows I miss him.


This is short but I rlly like it! Also Sadbre lol

He's the MC of course he has to be tormented!

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