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Au: Robotic Au

Au desc: Sabre is a robot, not many people know this.
Ft. Platonic SaviorClock/Time x Sabre

In this, Time forgot about Illness in a blizzard. Bad move time!


I shuddered, clutching the smooth leather of my trench coat sleeves, teeth chattering. I felt horrible. The snow seemed to stick to my boots and pants, soaking into the fabric as it melted from my body heat. The snow stuck to my hair like spiderwebs. I hissed, wrenching my eyes shut as I trekked through the dense snow. This blizzard had come out of nowhere, and it was so.. so cold. I was ill prepared. I just had to get home.

I coughed, my throat rough like the edges of a cliff. My breath could be seen in the air ahead of me, my cheeks and nose were a dark silver, Oh origin why did I do this? My head was a bit fuzzy..

I opened my eyes, blinking the icy tears away in a futile attempt to clear my vision. I stared, ahead of me, was our house. I sighed in relief, warmth.
I stumbled forwards, almost tripping. The blizzard was roaring in my ears so loud I couldn't hear the mechanical whirrs as another figure pushed their way through the snow. I closed my eyes once more, the snow was getting in them. My vision was fogged up when I had my mask on, so I shifted it to the side.

I took once last step before almost tripping, being caught by calculating, metallic hands that looked almost like skin, just peach colored.
I groaned, looking up at the blindfolded robot. The blindfold had speckles of snow, the robots smooth skin having specks of snow stick, making him look like stars on a peach colored sky.

I heard the muffled voice of Sabre through the roaring wind. The next parts were a blur, I zoned out a few times. The next time I was a bit more conscious, we were in the house. Sabre set me down on the couch, walking off. Metal boots making a clanging sound, that was honestly nice to listen too, whenever they collided with the ground. I shivered as he put a cold hand on my shoulder. He was a robot, of course he didn't have any body heat.
He stepped back, I squinted in a fruitless attempt to see what he was doing. The next thing I knew, his hands were now comfortably warm, and he was brushing the snow off my shoulders and out of my hair. I smiled a lopsided smile, leaning into the warmth. He chuckled, before I watched him scan me.

" Time... "
"You're sick. "

I yawned, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him down with a sudden burst of strength. He huffed, before breaking free.
"Time, Go get changed. You're soaked."
"Do..n' wannna.... "
"hmmph. bed 'z tooo "
He suddenly scooped me up, walking upstairs and plopping me down on my bed with an exasperated sigh.
"Change. I'll make you soup."
I reached out, protesting against him going into the kitchen.
"nooooooo.. my kitchhheennnh.."
I was unsure if he even heard it. When I rolled off my bed with a thud, I laid there for a few minutes. Or seconds. Maybe even hours!
I changed into soft, fluffy, clean clothes, flopping face first on my bed. I sneezed a few times, getting increasingly irritated. I was tired, sweaty, cold, and felt like crap. It was as if I just got jumped by zombies. Which is NOR a very pleasant feeling. Nuh-uh.
After an undetermined period of time.. heh..
I heard mechanical footsteps, approaching my room. The door creaked open, and Sabres voice filled the room once more.

" Time? You awake clock-boi? "
I let out an exaggerated sigh, until Sabre set down some soup on my bedside table. He then wrapped me in a soft, fluffy, warm blanket. I grabbed his hand, still warm. He probably activated his heating systems, which he normally kept off to preserve his battery. It was nice of him...
I yawned and curled up against the robots chest, clinging to him. He was warm. I like being warm. Fires were warm. Blankets were warm. I was cold.
Th blanket was soft, like a cat.. I like cats..they're soft.. like this blanket..
Sheep are soft.. chickens are soft..
alot of things are soft.

I faintly heard a chuckle as I dozed off.

750 WORDS! Sorry it was short, I'm tired. Anyways when wattpad lets me make an Au book, I'll post more info about the Robotic Au and it will be up for grabs! Maybe after a nap or smth.

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