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AU: Warped chains

SERIES: Ruined reality.

CONTEXT: The paranoia and hallucinations get the better of light. He runs. Someone goes after him

Yes this may have minor spoilers to what will happen later on in the main book.

TW for near drowning, mentions of hallucinations.


His heart raced. He could hear blood rushing through his ears, yet he still ran. The air around him was chilled, his skin being like touching ice.

He gasped for air as he continued to run. And run. And run. He couldn't remember why he was running, but that sinking feeling in his gut that told him something- someone- was after him. Hunting him. Like a sick game of cat and mouse. Like a predator chasing its prey.
It felt familiar- when he was shy- when the Orange Village was completely and utterly destroyed. Every time he ran from the darkness before he was light, the opposite of darkness.

His body glowed brightly in his panic, an instinctive reaction to hopefully hurt the eyes of whatever was hunting him down. If he looked closely, the light caused the frost that began to form under him to shimmer beautifully. But he wasn't looking closely, and he didn't stop to admire the beauty of the light refracting off of the ice crystals.

He coughed and choked, his muscles burning. His jacket was torn and threatening to fall off with how much force he put into pushing past the thick brush of the forest. He pulled on the edges of his hair- covering his ears. Trying to ignore the screams. The yells. It's not real. Not real. None of this is real. It's not real. Just run. Run. Run. Run run run run.

He can't get caught. Who knows what's chasing him. His lungs burned. Ice began to form at his finger tips. The sweat beads slipping down his face slowly freezing. His body was numb. Everything was so. So cold.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He just knew he had to hide. He had to. He was going to die. He was scared.

He saw blood. So much blood. Chains. The first curse. Blood. Death. He couldn't describe it. All he could think about was the feeling of blood staining his clothes and skin. (He didn't think about the fact that it may be his own. He was too scared to think logically.)

He heard someone yelling out his name. It wasn't real it wasn't real it wasn't real.

He hears someone yell something, but it is muffled by how loud his heart was beating in his ears. He swears he sees a faint silver and red blur- and then. he feels his foot catch on something. A pickaxe with Redstone accents?

He's falling.
His heart drops.

Suddenly, all around him is water. He couldn't breathe. He was choking. Water pulled him deeper. The bright glow his body had dimmed as he coughed. Water filled his lungs as he frantically tried to swim up, but he couldn't. His limbs felt like they were being dragged down. The river was ice cold, not that he could feel the chill. He couldn't swim. Who knew something so silly would lead to his demise? He was already tired. He could barely move now.

His vision dimmed as his struggle slowed. He sunk deeper. And deeper. At some point he couldn't feel the agony of water forcing its way into his lungs. He swore he saw a blur of colors as he sunk to the bottom of the river. The gentle current wrapped around him.

Something grabbed his hand, tugging him. The water underneath him seemed to push him up. He was tired. When had he been so tired?

Warm hands clashed against his ice cold skin. Huh. Who was that?

He was so tired. Maybe he should.. just.. close his eyes and take a short nap. That sounds nice. His chest burned. Everything hurt. Maybe if he wakes up this time he'll feel better.

As they breach the surface, light only chokes as air makes its way back into his lungs. His body instinctively gasps for air as he chokes on the water. His exhausted body flopping on the damp grass, wet hair sticking to his face. Someone hit his back, forcing the water out. He still coughed as the burning sensation in his throat persisted. He was so sleepy. Maybe..
Yeah.. a rest seems..

He swore he saw someone shaking him. He couldn't tell.


Pure panic filled his chest as Cliff swam up, helping him with bringing light up to the surface.
The Steve choked on air, and Louis had NO idea what to do. He hadn't seen someone drown before and he didn't know how to help.
Cliff hit lights back, which seemingly helped a bit, as water was coughed up quickly after.

Light went limp, his eyes slowly closing as his glow got dimmer. Louis panicked, frantically trying to shake light awake. Cliff did the same.


Louis didn't question it- he just focuses on gently picking light up and running towards the Steve kingdom. Origin, light could run and run FAST. He swore that was the fastest he'd ever seen the Steve run.

881 words! Huzzah! Light suffers once more!

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