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Just normal RQ!

After the fight with shadow!


My heart hammered in my chest. Pain radiated from wounds which were covered in darkness. My space suit was mostly tinted a dark gray, I felt the cold tendrils of darkness slowly receding. It hurt like nothing else though.

I took a deep breath, every part of my body felt uncomfortably hot yet cold at the same time. I was out of breath, my lungs working overtime to provide enough oxygen throughout my aching muscles.
I felt suffocated with my helmet on, but I didn't take it off just yet. Sweat dripped down my face, the helmets visor was cracked- even missing some shards.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, still gasping for air. The air that rushed into the helmet from the cracks and holes was dry and HOT. My throat burned, my knees buckled underneath me. I didn't fall just yet.

I reached my free hand up to my chest, I felt my heart beating heavily. I dug my nails into the smooth fabric, still stained with darkness and my own blood.

Adrenaline still rushed through my veins, my body wouldn't stop shaking. It was over. It had to be.
Right? If it wasn't, I was completely and utterly screwed. I don't know if I could fight like this, even with a weapon. Which I didn't have. The shadow sword was now completely destroyed, and in my hands was the only remnant of it.

I just hoped I could make it to the house without passing out.

I nearly choked on the uneven mixture of cold and hot air being supplied from my suit and the outside as I took a deep breath, and let the energy of the darkness flow throughout my body for.. one.. last.. time.

I felt the slight singe of lightning striking down and around me, the light blinding me. The thunder drowned out any sound around me as my surroundings warped and shifted.

I was now in the village. I looked down at my hand, seeing the crystal in my hand start to lose its colors. Cracks ran along its smooth shape- before it broke apart into millions of pieces, disintegrating into dust.

I fell to one knee, resting one arm on my leg as the other hung limply beside me.
The darkness coating the majority of my body was gone, and now my injuries burned more than ever.

I coughed up some blood, mixed with remnants of darkness. The remnants quickly disappeared.

My vision blurred together for a moment as I stood up, almost collapsing again.
My heart still pounded in my chest like a drum, and I was fully aware of how hard I was breathing.

I looked around, stumbling over towards the path to me, time and- darks house. Blood stained the ground I walked in, but I couldn't focus on that.

For a moment, everything went white. I stumbled forwards and tripped. I shot out my arms to catch myself- much to their protest. But I never made contact with the ground.
Someone catches me, helping me stand.
I blinked a bit, attempting to clear my vision, sighing as I looked over to see time. I smiled, giving a half hearted wave.

"Hey clock man..."

"Hey Sabre. I would ask if you're alright, but you are.." Time paused, shuddering. "CLEARLY not fine."

"Y-yep.. hah.. You can't blame me! I had to take care of shadow!"

"I know, Sabre. I just wish you would've let me help."

"Hey, he's gone now! "

"I suppose. Anyways, I have something to show you."

"As long as I don't have to talk with.. like- Light.. or the leaders. I am confident in the fact they want me dead, and I am too tired to deal with more murder attempts right now."

"I wouldn't say they want you dead.."

"HAH! I wish. It's not that they saw the fight with shadow."

"...." Time was silent, only looking away as he let me use him as a crutch.



I stared at time, who was avoiding eye contact. I then shifted my gaze over to the window of our house.

Six figures sit inside the living room. All varying shades of their respective colors.I attempted to turn around and run.. but time stopped me.

"Time. Please don't tell me that the LEADERS are in our house right now. I really don't feel like getting murdered without a weapon right now.."

"They won't murder you, Sabre. They saw the fight with you and shadow."

"THEY WHAT. H-" I broke into a coughing fit. "How?!"

"Inter-dimensional TV"


I sighed as we approached the door. I was nervous. REALLY nervous. Time said something, but all I could hear was my heart hammering in my chest, and all I felt was cold blood seeping from my wounds.

813 words! Lost motivation halfway sadly.

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