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Love is a.. finicky concept to Sabre.

He knows it can be romantic, platonic, a whole bunch of different ways. Feelings were weird like that.
And he hated it. He still loved and cared about those who had hurt him, who never cared- or just betrayed him.

He knew it wasn't rainbows fault. He should've helped. If he truly loved rainbow, then why couldn't he help?

When elemental snapped- Sabre felt pure and utter betrayal. Is that what the others felt when he got infected and they didn't know?
He still feared the leaders and light- but.. he still loved and cared about them. He loved the Steve's. He cared about everyone he could.

He wanted to love everyone, to protect everyone.
But so. So many times, the Steve's had proved over and over again that they didn't care about him. And they didn't want his help either.
He didn't blame them. If he was in their shoes, after everything shad- ..he did, he wouldn't care about himself either.

He understands that they despise him. He's in the exact same boat.

He still cares. And he still loves.

Some Steve's don't want his help though. Some don't want his love.

And that fact became shockingly clear as his own crimson red blood pooled around him, a large chunk of rubble from a cave in crushing his chest.
He had heard someone screaming for help, only to find himself trapped by the person who lured him here. He couldn't tell if they were villagers, traders, or bandits.
They had left him crushed under the jagged stone.
He had been screaming till his throat was raw, but he had given up.

His vision was sorta blurry, and it had been a long time since he had gotten trapped. It was surprising how he wasn't dead already- but..
He supposed both life and death hated him so.

It was getting more and more difficult to breathe. He felt his ribs cracking more and more as more bits of rubble piled onto him. Origin this hurt-

He still gasped for air occasionally- despite the pain it caused. He shouldn't be crying. He's been through worse and others have definitely gone through worse.

It did hurt. A lot.

Sabre wished he was either unconscious or dead already. He was probably going to pass out soon though, if his blurry vision said anything.

Warm blood pooled against him- a shock against his ice cold skin.
It was cold out here. He couldn't tell what the time was. Was it day? Night? He couldn't tell.


He loved time a lot. Time had stuck with him for a long time. Even if Sabre didn't deserve it. He didn't quite understand the benefits of staying by his side were. Wouldn't it be easier to push him away like everyone else did to him? That's a rhetorical question. Of course it would be. So why did time stay?

He supposed he would never find out.

Thunder in the distance, it wasn't raining.. huh.


He could faintly hear ticking- as if a clock counting down to his death appeared. The sound only got louder, closer.

Sabre closed his eyes, and smiled. He knew he wouldn't see any of his friends again, if they even regarded him as such. Which they didn't.

Pain shot through him as some of the weight on his chest was removed. There were definitely more than his ribs broken- but his chest felt the worst.

He was.. tired. He had been fighting sleep with a killer headache, and he couldn't fight it anymore.

Even in his delirious state, he could still say one thing for certain.

He loved his friends, and he was sorry.

He closed his eyes, and drifted off into the abyss of sleep. Shortly after, he was pulled out from under the rubble by a Steve with a brown trench coat, who loved Sabre just as much as Sabre loved him, and would be damned if he let Sabre die.


Huzzahhyhhhuwhyans I'm sleepy

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