DAY EIGHT: Protection

35 4 0

Au: Robotic!
Warning for slight gore! It's just darkness tho.


I glared at the darkness ahead of me, visual scanners picking up many, many more. I gripped the sword in my hands tightly. I was the only one able to protect the Orange steves behind me. I planted my feet in the ground and used that to push myself forward, plunging my sword into the nearest darkness being. In one fluid motion, I tore my sword out, causing the darkness being to be torn in half. Dark goop stained the ground and the shimmering iron of my sword. I grit my teeth as the sword cut through the neck of darkness that had its limbs outstretched, ready to lunge towards me.

I felt claws digging into my metal flesh, and I swiftly kicked it of, oil and darkness now mixing, my green hoodie was torn, threads still in the beings talons. I winced, before jumping backwards at another one that tried to lunge at me. Its featureless face smearing on the rough ground. Alerts sounded in my ears as my eyes darted up. I swung my sword in a large arch above my head, slicing more condensed darkness.

I was the only one able to protect these Steve's at the moment, and I'll be damned if I fail at that.


I expertly dodged and weaved around the plethora of claws aiming to tear me apart. My eyes darted over to the orange Steve's I had been protecting. A stray darkness being approaching them.
A claw wrapped around my ankle, pulling me down and into the swarm. I dug my nails into the dirt to prevent that, using my sword to pull myself forwards.

I willed my body to move. Their terrified eyes burned into my memory banks. I yelled out in frustration, throwing the sword through its head, pinning the melting corpse to a nearby tree. My vision glitched as more and more claws dug and pulled at the metal that was my skin. I yelled out in pain, urging the Orange Steves to run. Find the village.
They hesitated, before one turned and grabbed my sword, tossing it to me, before the other one pulled them away. I grabbed my sword, using it to finish off the closest darkness beings that I previously had been punching. The goop making up their disgusting and deformed bodies melded with the ground, unlike the oil that spilt from my wounds. My inner systems whirred loudly. The Orange Steves were safe.


I huffed, my power was low. I had to finish this quickly.
My arms involuntarily trembled, until one of the darkness beings got smart and knocked it out of my hand. I yelled out in shock, before grabbing the darkness being by the head and bashing its face into my knee.

The darkness began to swarm again, my vision blurred. With my remaining power..

I let them swarm me, focusing all my energy on heating my systems up. My metal skin began to soften, but the darkness began to melt. I put more and more energy into it, my body still keeping intact. Barely.
Until I felt no more claws around me, just goopy tendrils.

I barely clawed my way out of the mess of darkness, grabbing my sword.
My body began to cool as I stumbled down the path, dizzy.

The village was protected, for now. Oh dear this was going to take ages to repair.


Battery life at 2%

I sighed, I wouldn't.. be able.. to make it..
hopefully those orange Steve's made it back safely.

I feel my body shut down as I fall to my knees, my face shortly hitting the rough dirt that made up the path.


642 words! Sorry this was later, was busy!

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