Chapter 12

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Fade to Sue's castle, throne room. Sue is standing before the Magic Mirror holding the box she gave to Humbert.

Sue: Magic Mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?

Marsha: Magic Mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?

Magic Mirror: Over the seventh jeweled hills, beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs, dwells Kurt, fairest one of all.

Sue: Kurt lies dead in the forest. The Huntsman has brought me proof. (opens the box) Behold, his heart.

Magic Mirror: Kurt Hummel yet lives, the fairest in the land. It is the heart of a pig you hold in your hand.

Sue: The heart of a pig?! Then I've been tricked! (Sue marches down a spiral staircase into the basement. As she reaches the end, she goes through a door into a secluded laboratory. Sitting on a skull is Sue's pet, a crow, who awakens with a start as Sue locks the door behind her) The heart of a pig! The blundering fool! (throws the lock-box down in frustration) I'll go myself to the Dwarfs' cottage in a disguise so complete no one will ever suspect. (reaches on a bookshelf and takes one titled "Disguises") Now, a formula to transform my beauty into ugliness, change my queenly raiment to a peddler's cloak. (Sue turns to a page titled "Peddler's Disguise". The ingredients are Mummy Dust, Black of Night, Old Hag's Cackle and Scream of Fright) Mummy dust to make me old. To shroud my clothes, the Black of Night.
(She takes a vial of black liquid adds a drop to a glass at what appears to be distilled water, turning it black) To age my voice, an Old Hag's Cackle. (She turns a burner under a vial of red liquid to high, causing it to boil over and flow into the glass, a cackling laugh filling the air as it does so) To whiten my hair, a Scream of Fright. (She turns a handle on a rusty-looking container and green liquid pours out from inside while a ghostly clouds lets out a loud, anguished scream) A blast of wind.... (as she says this, a sudden gust fills the room) To fan my hate! A thunderbolt.... (a bolt of thunder strikes against the potion, making it fizz) To mix it well. Now, begin thy magic spell. (Sue takes the glass and drinks down every single drop of the potion. Suddenly, she drops the glass on the floor, clutching her throat and gasping for air as the room starts to spin. Her transformation begins with her hair, flailing about as it turns white. Then, she looks at her hands as they suddenly start to turn clawed and bony) Look! My hands! (A few moments later, Sue eventually says something while her transformation finishes its curse) (cracked voice) My voice! My voice! (cackling) (She reveals her new appearance; a skeletal, witchy-looking hag with a warty nose and pasty-white hair in a jet-black cloak) A perfect disguise. (She cackles once more as the absolutely terrified crow falls into a skull) And now...a special sort of death for one so fair. (leafs through a spellbook) What shall it be? AH!! (her shout frightens the crow so many, he falls behind his perch) A poisoned apple! "Sleeping Death". Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! (reading) "One taste of the Poisoned Apple, and the victim's eyes will close forever in the Sleeping Death."

Kurt Hummel and the Seven DwarfsWhere stories live. Discover now