Chapter 2

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Fade to the castle courtyard, where a young boy dressed in rags is cleaning the steps with a scrub brush and a wooden bucket complete with water humming a tune to two pigeons, two sparrows and three doves. He has chestnut hair, pale lips and pasty-white porcelain skin. This is Kurt Hummel. He sighs and pours the bucket onto the steps before heading towards the well. He continues humming and pulls the other bucket inside towards the top.

Kurt: Do you want to know a secret? (The pigeons, sparrows and doves nod yes) Promise not to tell? (The pigeons, sparrows and doves nod again) (sings/as the echoes sound, the birds perched on the well fly off in surprise)
We are standing
by a wishing well
Make a wish into the well,
that's all you have to do
And if you hear it echoing
Your wish will come true.
I'm wishing.

Echo: I'm wishing.

Kurt: For the one I love
to find me.

Echo: To find me.

Kurt: Today.

Echo: Today.

Kurt: I'm hoping.

Echo: I'm hoping.

Kurt: And I'm dreaming of
the nice things.

Echo: The nice things.

Kurt: He'll say

Echo: She'll say.

Unknown to Kurt, a prince, named Blaine, traveling on his horse passes by the castle and climbs over the wall upon hearing the prince's song as he vocalizes.

Kurt: I'm wishing.

Echo: I'm wishing.

Kurt: For the one I love
to find me.

Echo: To find me.

Kurt: Today.

Blaine: (singing) Todaaaaaaayyy!!!

Dick: Oh!

Blaine: Hello. Did I frighten you? (Kurt runs off in surprise) Wait! Wait, please. Don't run away. (sings) Now that I found you,
hear what I have to say.
One song,
I have but one song. (As Blaine continues to serenade Kurt, she swoons silently and looks at his clothes, unsure if he shall go onto the balcony, but does so any matter, as he does not seem to mind his raggedy clothes) One song,
only for you.
One heart tenderly beating,
ever entreating,
constant and true.
One love
that has possessed me,
one love
thrilling me through. (Sue watches through her window, frowning at the prince. After a second, she closes her curtains) One song,
my heart keeps singing. (As she finishes his song, Kurt kisses a pigeon who flies down to Prince Blaine) Of one love,
only for youuuuu!

The pigeon lands on his hand, blushing and cooing shyly. Soon it works up the courage to transfer the kiss given it by Kurt to Blaine's cheek. As it flies off, she looks up toward his future love and he smiles back at him. Fade to Sue seated in her throne room.

Sue: Take him far into the forest. Find some secluded glade where he can pick wildflowers.

Humbert: Yes, Your Majesty.

Sue: And there, my faithful Huntsman, you will kill him!

Humbert: But Your Majesty, the little prince!

Sue: SILENCE!!!!! You know the penalty if you fail.

Humbert: Yes...Your Majesty.

Sue: But to make doubly sure you do not fail, (produces a box with a dagger running through a heart-shaped lock) bring back his heart in this.

Kurt Hummel and the Seven DwarfsWhere stories live. Discover now