Chapter 17

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Fade to the Black Forest, near a small waterfall. Sue is walking through on en route to the Dwarfs' cottage. Along the road, the former cackles to herself

Sue: The little men will be away, and he'll be alone.....with a harmless old peddler woman. A harmless old peddler woman!

As she speaks, two vultures watch from above. The moment they hear someone's going to die, they grin and fly off after her, not caring who it is as long as they get something to make a meal of. Fade to the Dwarfs' cottage, kitchen. Kurt is making the gooseberry pie the latter mentioned the night before, all the while singing his song again as he works.

Kurt: (singing) Someday my prince will come
Someday we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go
To be happy forever I know
Someday when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
and wedding bells will ring
Someday when my dreams come true

Suddenly, a shadow washes over her, frightening the animals away and Kurt gasps. There standing in front of her, is Sue, disguised as an old peddler. The queen chuckles at her soon-to-be-deceased stepson

Sue: All alone, my pet?

Kurt: (hesitant) Why...why, yes, I am, but-

Sue: The...the little men are not here?

Kurt: No, they're not, but...

Meanwhile, Sue is yet speaking to Kurt and sniffs the air.

Sue: Making pies?

Kurt: Yes, gooseberry pie.

Sue: It's apple pies that makes the menfolks' mouths water. (takes out her basket of apples and shows her the red, poisoned apple) Pies made from apples like these.

From the side of the house, the animals see Sue offer Kurt the apple

Kurt: Oh, they do look delicious.

Sue: Yes, but wait until you taste one, dearie. (chuckles) (However, the birds in another tree, see the vultures and chirp a plan to themselves) Like to try one, huh? Go ahead. Go ahead, have a bite.

But just as Kurt is about to take the apple, the birds attack Sue.

Kurt: (to the birds) Stop it, stop it. Go away, go away. Shame on you, frightening a poor old lady.

Sue, recovering from her shock, bends down and picks up her apple.

Sue: (shivering) Oh, I thought I lost it.

Kurt: There, there. I'm so sorry.

Sue grins evilly, as she now has another idea

Sue: (feigning weakness) Ohh! My heart! Oh, poor heart. Take me into the house, and let me rest. A drink of water, please.

Kurt takes Sue into the house, yet oblivious to her true intentions. The animals gather around the window concernedly. Then Sue takes the apple out of her cloak and looks at the prince intently as he preps some water. The animals, knowing there's no time to lose, scurry off towards the woods, except for Mr. Turtle, who just plods along as usual.

Kurt Hummel and the Seven DwarfsWhere stories live. Discover now