Chapter 13

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Fade to the Dwarfs' house. Our heroes have finished eating dinner and are now enjoying a dance feast. The dwarfs are yodeling whilst playing music. Anna is strumming a cello, Sneezy is playing a lute and Bashful, an accordion while Happy and Dopey do-si-do. They break it up for a second before doing another one as Kurt claps his hands.

Doc: (yodels)

Bashful: (yodeling)

Sneezy yodels for a while as Dopey follows the lump on his throat, which moves as he sings. Off in a corner, Grumpy is playing a wooden organ, whose pipes have carved with different types of animals. He is sitting on the pedals, and not on a bench as one will expect. Soon, he plays a tune and Happy steps forward

Happy: Ahem! (sings) I'd like to dance
and tap my feet,
but they won't keep in rhythm.
You see,
I washed them both today
and I can't do nothing with them.

Dwarfs: (singing) Ho-hum,
the tune is dumb,
the words don't mean a thing.
Isn't this a silly song for anyone to sing?

Off in another corner, Dopey uses several drumsticks to beat on a wooden xylophone, then on a drum. As he does so, his drumsticks fly up into the air, slide through his coat and hit another drum, creating a rim shot as the last one hits a cymbal. In the center of the room, the silly tune plays again as Happy and Sneezy urge Bashful to sing before Kurt.

Bashful: I- (giggles) (Grumpy tries the tune again, but Bashful is yet having damage making his words come out) Oh, g-g-g-gosh! (The entire room, except for an annoyed Grumpy, bursts out laughing. The latter, however, hits his hands on the things, causing the organ to let out a loud, anguished yell) (singing) I chased a polecat up a tree
way out upon a limb.
And if he has the best of me,
I have the worst of him.

Dwarfs: (singing) Ho-hum,
the tune is dumb,
the words don't mean a thing.
Isn't this a silly song for anyone to sing?

Cut to Dopey beating a cymbal in front to where Kurt is sitting. Then the prince kicks the cymbal as Dopey puts it on his head and sidesteps off-screen. Then Happy steps in and yodels swiftly. Kurt decides to join in, singing a high note. In another corner, Sleepy, who has been playing a flute, yawns as the fly from earlier flies into his mouth. As he sees the fly, he tries to catch it. Later, Doc offers Kurt a dance, and just like Happy and Dopey before, they do-si-do, breaking it up with Bashful and Sneezy before getting back to Doc again. Dopey is off drumming as he sees a fly. In an attempt to hit it, he instead hits several drums, culminating in a percussion solo which wears him out. Then the fly lands on Sleepy nose. He gets ready to swat it as Dopey hands him a cymbal, and just as he's about to hit the fly, it flies away and his face shakes from the impact. Soon, Kurt is dancing in the middle of the room. Grumpy continues to play the organ, which works for a while until a note gets stuck. Annoyed, he shuts the mouths with the stuck note and plays a descending scale which ends with a wooden bird hatching out of an egg, giving a single chirp. Soon everyone is dancing all around the room and the Dwarfs give a cheer to show the wonderful time they and their guests are having, while the animals swing to the music by the window. Later, Dopey, who is wearing a coat twice his size, jumps on Sneezy's head and tries to balance himself, all the while rubbing the latter's nose with his feet.

Sneezy: Be care--watch out. B-B-Be it, watch it, watch it, watch...w-w...AAHHHH---- (Sneezy is about to sneeze, but Ringo blocks his nose just in time) Thanks. (Then Dopey buttons up the coat and Sneezy walks him toward the others, the former snapping his fingers all the while. As they see the now tall Dwarf warrior, some of them start laughing at the somehow silly sight. Dopey bows to Kurt, who curtsies at the former's dance invitation, as he suddenly starts to lose his balance. Dopey is about to fall over as Sneezy reaches out an arm from behind and pulls the former back up just before he hits the floor. The others, yet laughing, breathe a sigh of relief and the dance music resumes. Then Dopey leads Kurt into the middle of the room as they start their dance. He swings his head happily, knowing that he's dancing with the prince. Meanwhile, Sneezy does his best to copy his foot motions, as well as keep his top half balanced. As Anna strums her cello, Sneezy starts to run around as Dopey hangs around Kurt in an elbow swing. Soon after, they break into a Russian dance while the Dwarfs constantly say "Hey!". After a second, the music's tempo starts to rise until suddenly, Dopey is happily dancing as he hears Sneezy down below) Ah-ch...ah-ch...ah-ch...ah...ooh...ah-ch-- (Dopey reacts fearfully, as Sneezy is about to sneeze. Kurt covers his ears, and everyone else scrambles for hiding places as Sneezy's sneeze reaches critical mass. Dopey mistakenly covers his nose, but it's no use) Ah-ch-ch...ah-ch-ch...ah-ch-ah...ah-ch-ch...ah-ch...ah-ah-AAHHHH....AH-CHOOOOOOOO!!

The blast of air from Sneezy sneeze inflates Dopey's coat, and he bursts out like a cork. As the coat flops down to the floor and reveals Sneezy, everyone, except Grumpy, bursts out laughing at the hilarious sight as Dopey climbs down from the rafter he got blown into.

Kurt: (chuckling) That was fun.

Happy: Now you do something.

Kurt: Well, what should I do?

Sleepy: Tell us a story.

Dwarfs: Yes, tell us a story!

Happy: A true story.

Bashful: A love story.

Kurt: Well, once there was a prince......

Doc: Was the

Kurt: And he fell in love.

Sneezy: Was it hard to do so?

Kurt: It was very easy. Anyone could see that Prince Blaine was charming. The only one for me.

Doc: Was he, uh, brave and handsome?

Sneezy: Was he big and tall?

Kurt: There's nobody like him, anywhere at all.

Bashful: Did he say he loved you?

Happy: Did he steal a kiss?

Kurt: He was so romantic
I could not resist (Everyone else gathers around Kurt as he begins to sing, his watchers becoming entranced by his beautiful voice)
Someday my prince will come
Someday we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go
To be happy forever I know

Grumpy, who is sitting at the organ away from the others, glances over his shoulder.

Grumpy: Huh, mush.

As Kurt continues his song, the animals by the window embrace their respective mates.

Kurt: Someday when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
and wedding bells will ring
Someday when my dreams come true

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