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Vegas was staring, he knew it but he couldn't stop, come on, how could anyone not stare at Pete? Especially when he was so close to him, lying on a deckchair in the garden of their future home with his eyes closed as the sunlight bathed his face. Vegas didn't have the heart to look away, and secretly took a picture of him. No one could blame him for adoring the love of his life...
But everyone could blame him for almost losing it, how could he be so blind not to see the truth, not to see that he was being used for others, he was Vegas, the evil one, but in the end he was just a pawn for others. He should have spoken to Pete earlier, but he couldn't see the reality and when he saw it Pete decided he had put up with enough and Vegas reaction was even worst...
"I'm sorry, Pete" the words escaped his mouth, Pete turned with a frown staring at Vegas, from the look on his face it was clear Vegas hadn't meant to have said that, "What were you thinking for apologising to me, Vegas?" he asked raising his eyebrow. 

Vegas sighed, "On the night you left me, on how badly I fucked up that night." Pete sighed too, "That's in the past Vegas, let's try to do better now..." but Vegas wouldn't let him keep talking, he shook his head, "No, I.... You deserve to know Pete, that night I wanted to tell you, but when I saw you there waiting for me on the couch, I felt guilty and instead of telling you what was going on, I... I made you take the only possible decision, to leave me" Pete said nothing, Vegas had more in him and would let him talk about it. Maybe it was the best thing for them to start to really trust.

"I... I didn't know it, but Porsche was using me to save Kinn's ass." "Using you, how?" asked Pete. "It wasn't just his fault, because in the end I agreed with him to keep you out, I thought he was your friend and wanted to protect you but I didn't.... I should know..." Pete frowned, "Vegas, what are you saying? I... Why don't you start again?" Vegas nodded and looked at Venice, who was playing in the grass with Max and Rose, oblivious to the evil around them, just knowing the love of his parents and the people around his. And he sighed. "When we started to find proofs that my uncle had falsified evidence to get rid of some rival families, Porsche spoke to someone who warned him that if we looked any further not just us but people close to us would die, he showed me pictures of whole families, from old people to months old children, dead. He said you should know no more and I agreed, I had to protect you, Macau and Venice. So I started to leave you out of everything..." Vegas stopped talking for a moment, remembering the past.
"I hid all the things we were discovering, the people who died mysteriously after we talked to them, everything. It was to protect you, or so I thought.... The night you left me, that night I was exhausted from what happened that day, I was hoping to go home, take a shower and get some sleep before I talked to you and explained everything, I couldn't do it..." Vegas' voice trailed off until he didn't keep talking, minutes passed and he said nothing.

Pete started to worry, what had Vegas found out?, "Vegas", but Vegas didn't answer, "Vegas?" Seeing that Vegas was still not responding Pete got up and put a hand on Vegas' shoulder, Vegas got startled, he looked at Pete and hugged him around the waist, Pete had to hold on the back of the Vegas' deckchair to keep his balance, "Vegas, you're scaring me, what happened?" said Pete patting Vegas' head, Vegas was still wrapping his arms around Pete and had his forehead resting on Pete's belly, "I'm sorry love". After a couple of minutes, Pete pulled away from Vegas, crouched down next to Vegas' deckchair, grabbed his face with both hands and looked him in the eyes, "Vegas, you need to talk to me, tell me what happened to make you like this Vegas, please babe, talk to me." "That day Porsche and I talked to a former bodyguard of the family and he told us about my uncle's business with a Vietnamese family, he was trafficking in children's organs. It seemed to me that the man wanted to say more but not in front of Porsche, so I followed him on my own. When I got to him, Porsche was killing him, I should have stopped him but I didn't, when I saw the body I understood that it was Porsche who had killed all our informants. I didn't know why he had done it but I understood that I had to talk to you because I wasn't going to find out on my own. That night... You know what happened and for a couple of days my uncle and Porsche weren't my main concern." Vegas stopped again, Pete was now sitting on the floor with one hand on the deckchair, Vegas had his hand next to Pete's, but not quite touching it.
"When I kicked Porsche out of the house he was worried about protecting Kinn, I didn't know why and honestly, I didn't care. I was tired of the family, because of them and my own stupidity I had lost you, so they could go to hell. A few days later I went to see my uncle, I told him I wanted nothing to do with the family business, that I was giving up my inheritance, to get everything ready and to let me know so I could sign the necessary papers. I told him to give me a few weeks to leave the house. He was not very convinced... And we had an attack in the house."
"WHAT?! What do you mean, an attack? Why didn't you say anything?" Pete was angry, he was furious, his tone of voice said it all, his knuckles were white from the force he was putting on his hand, Vegas thought he would break the armrest, he put his hand on top of his, "Hey baby, nothing happened. It was just a trick of uncle to see my reaction, they didn't make it to the front door of the house" "Why didn't you tell me, Vegas?". Pete's face showed he was hurt by Vegas' actions, by what might have happened to his family.
"Because it wasn't a real danger, love. Besides, you would come back if I told you, and I didn't want you to come back because you were afraid we would be attacked, but because you wanted to be with me, with us again. And you wouldn't answer my calls or messages, I wasn't sure you were going to see it..." Vegas' guilt combined with his sadness at the thought of those weeks of not hearing from Pete. Pete turned his hand to hold Vegas's, with his other hand he stroked Vegas's cheek, "Don't do that again Vegas. Don't ever leave me out if you're in danger, do you hear me? If something were to happen to you or the kids.... I don't even want to think about it. No..." Pete leaned his forehead against Vegas's, "I'll kill your uncle myself if he dares to attack my family again" the anger and determination in Pete's voice calmed Vegas down, and made him hot, Pete was so sexy when he got like this. "Pete..." Vegas wanted to kiss him, it wasn't the time... He couldn't help but put his hand on Pete's cheek and caress his lips with his thumb. Pete sighed and closed his eyes, and Vegas used all his willpower not to kiss him in the lips, just leaned in and left a chaste kiss on his cheek. "I won't let you put yourself in danger for me Pete. If uncle comes near, we'll kill him together." And Pete smiled, "I hope you remember that, Vegas, or I'll kick your sexy ass" they both laughed. And they stayed like that for a few minutes.

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