"Haven't You Heard?" || Chapter 1

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I walk into my friend, Michael's room and sit down.
"Hey Mike, who's Ashton Irwin?"
He stops putting away his clothes and turns around slowly.
"Why? "
"He's um, he's my partner for science."
"Stay away from him Jen. He's insane. He killed his mother's boyfriend."
I roll my eyes.
"No he didn't."
"Believe what you want. But Ashton's the reason that Hood kid went missing."
"He ran away, and you know it."
| Later that day |
I type in Ashton's number and text him.
'hey when exactly do you want to work on this project?'
I wait for a reply.
'Fuck off.'
Great. Fantastic.
I'm so happy I got put with the insane asylum kid.
| 2 days later |
The project is due tomorrow.
That's it.
I drive to Ashton's house.
I walk up to the front door and knock.
A girl around 13-14 opens it.
Dark circles under her eyes.
"U-um is Ashton home?"
She looks me up and down with a confused look.
"Ashton someone's here for you."
She waves her hand to come in.
Ashton jogs down the stairs.
"Lauren what'd I tell you about opening the door if you don't know-"
He stops.
He looks puzzled, then angry.
"Didn't I tell you to fuck off Ericson?"
I feel the anxiety and nerves start to kick in.
"Y-you did, but we need to finish this project."
I nod to the poster I was holding.
He shakes his head.
"No, go home."
I stay in my place.
"Lauren go upstairs."
He yells.
God, he was insane.
He walks towards me.
"Listen here, whatever you want, whoever you're trying to impress, by coming here, can fuck off. You should be scared of me."
I stay there.
"I'm not scared of you."
He starts to laugh.
He walks closer to me, his mouth next to my ear.
I shiver.
"Haven't you heard?"
He takes a breathe.
"I'm insane."

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