We All Fall Down. || Chapter 15

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| Jen's pov |
"You two know each other?"
She nods her head.
"Michael's the one that-"
"We used to date."
She looks somewhat angry.
Calum pulls me closer to him.
She looks at the two of us.
Anger flashing behind her eyes, then sadness.
She points at us.
"Are you two-"
We say at the same time.
I feel my self blush.
Michael glares at Calum, then returns to Ashley.
"We should get going."
"Wait! I think you all should see something, before you leave."
We all nod.
Michael hands the torch to Ashely, and we walk deeper into the 'cave'.
Drawings, are scattered on the walls.
Images of people dying, massacres, and war.
But there's something else.
Coordinates maybe?
We walk deeper in.
Calum not letting go of me.
"Did you know they dated?"
Calum whispers.
Ashley and Michael are walking side by side talking.
He shakes his head.
We continue walking when Ashley comes to a complete stop.
"Don't move."
She picks up one foot and gently pushes down on part of the ground.
"What are you doing?"
She ignores Michael and continues to do what she did before.
"Okay, follow where I step."
Michael follows.
Calum gestures for me to go in front.
I follow Michael and feel Calum grab my waist.
His mouth was right next my ear.
Goosebumps ran through me.
"It's fine."
I turn my head to look at him.
Centimeters apart.
The ground started to tremble.
"Ashley!" Michael yelled.
I turn to see the ground fall apart around her.
Calum grabs ahold of me, tighter.
The last thing I see is Ashley falling, and then I feel the wind around me.
I scream.
I hit water.
I hear 2 other splashes and then I'm above it.
Coughing up water.
"What happened!"
I look around and trying to find someone.
He swims towards me.
Calum's head emerges from the water.
"Where's Ashley?"
She's standing on land?
We swim towards her.
Once on land I start to shiver.
I sit down on the ground as Calum sits next to me.
"Um, guys."
We turn our heads around.
A sign.
I've been trying to post this all day 😂 8k reads lIKE WTH ILY - Jen

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