Heartbreaker. || Chapter 27

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| Jen's pov |
A human figure walks through the crowd.
They listened.
"So good to see you all again."
Luke steps up close to us.
"Jen, good to see you."
He smirks.
Calum stands in front of me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just saved your ass hood, I wouldn't be so rude."
"I had this!"
He turns to Ashton.
"You were 5 seconds away from being their new experiment."
I grab ahold of Calum's arm.
Luke looks us up and down.
"So you haven't told her."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Haven't told me-"
"She doesn't need to know Luke."
He shakes his head.
"Oh I think she does."
He circles us.
"You want to know the real reason Calum's out here? The real reason he was taken here?"
Calum pushes me behind him.
"That's enough Hemmings."
He's tensed up.
"He's here, because he was an experiment. Calum Hood, the boy who went missing. You see Jen, Calum fell into a stream about 30 years ago, while hiking. He went along with his daily life. And then found out, he didn't age."
I look at Calum.
"I said that's enough Luke. She doesn't need to know."
"He came to work for me, he used to do what Michael did, drag girls to the house, and then we'd torture them. But he didn't tell you that did he?"
I shake my head, backing away from Calum.
Tears escape my eyes.
"Awe, now Jen, there's no need to cry, you can't trust anyone now a days."
Calum turns to me.
"Did you know, he's been using you this whole time? All the lovey dovey stuff, was just a way to get him closer to the exit. Closer to escaping here. He was going to leave you here. He lied to you Jen."
Even more tears roll down my face.
I shake my head.
"Y-you're lying."
"Now, wouldn't it make sense though? Get close to you, and then manipulate you. I mean it sounds very similar to what I did to you doesn't it Jen? Who do you think taught him all of this?"
Calum's on brink of tears.
"J-Jen please I would never. I-"
"But it's true Calum, you did use Jen."
It comes from Ashton.
"N-no I didn't. I l-"
He stops talking.
"You what Calum? You lied to her? Lead her on thinking that you'd be her superman, when in reality you were her villain?"
He doesn't look up from the floor.
"Awe, well, why don't you boys, take them to the bathroom, and then the excitement can really happen."
I feel myself getting dragged.
Then it goes numb.

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