Leave Me. || Chapter 22

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| Jen's pov |
I start to crawl as fast as I can.
"Michael, Calum get in front of me."
Ashton slides over and lets them in front.
I don't look back.
Another board pops up behind Ashton.
"Just keep going."
A gun shot.
A groan.
"Ah, fuck."
I turn back.
Michael's leg is bleeding.
He looks up and meets my stare.
Calum nudges me.
I continue crawling.
There's another groan.
The duct starts to shake, and it slopes.
"It's breaking! There's too much weight."
Michael stops.
Ashton pushes him.
"What are you doing?"
"Go ahead of me. I'm staying here."
Calum turns around.
"Why?! No!"
He only looks at me.
He nods his head.
"This is for the best. I'm sorry Jen."
It groans again.
Another board popping up right behind him.
| Michael's pov |
I feel the duct slide down more.
I look at Jen.
She's scared.
Fear strikes in her eyes.
She's shaking her head.
I nod.
Calum pushes her to go.
I feel the duct move again.
I fall to the ground.
I feel myself being dragged.
| Jen's pov |
Calum pushes me to go.
We reach a bend and it stops moving.
They all lean against the walls.
Everything starts to register.
"We need to go back! We need to go get him!"
I start to turn back.
Ashton grabs me.
Wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Jen stop. We can't."
"We need to go back!"
He puts me between him and Calum, grabbing my shoulders.
"We can't Jen! W-we can't. We need to get you out of here."
I look at Calum.
He only nods his head.
Tears start escaping my eyes.

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